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TW: Abuse

April 3rd

Spring vacation was finally happening, and Dazai's and Chuuya's relationship was getting flirty. Almost everyday they flirt with each other. But because none of them were in a different country, they couldn't do their desires.

Chuuya and Dazai were out getting food since they were hungry, they stopped at a food stand getting , the drinks their were so expensive.

"Im gonna head over to the store to get the drinks, you stay here and get the food" Chuuya said.

"Ok chibi" Dazai said with a smile.

"Stop calling me that or ill shove something up your ass" Chuuya growled and as he walked off he heard dazai yell.


Chuuya tried to ignore it, but everyone who heard the brunette yell that were all confused. Chuuya walked over to the store and went inside. He bought orange juice for dazai and grape juice for himself, he also bought a new lighter since his one wasn't working. As we was about to walk up to the queue in the store someone walked up to him.

"Chuuya..." Shirase said walking up to Chuuya.

Chuuya looked at grey hairded boy who called out his name and was took by surprised.


"Long time darling, i missed you" Shirase said with a flirtatious smirk.

"First. Ew. Second dont call me darling. And third your in my way." Chuuya said.

"Not even gonna say you missed me either" Shirase pounted.

"No" Chuuya said trying to get passed him till Shirase grabbrd his waist.

"I heard from Nikolai-san that you and Dazai got a bit more comfy with each other" Shirase said gripping on to Chuuyas waist harder.

"Get off me" Chuuya said shoving Shirase off him.

"And thats none off your business" Chuuya said walking away and went to pay for the stuff.

After he paid he walked out off the store and started walking till he was pulled into alleyway in the dark by Shirase.

"What the fuck" Chuuya said getting mad at the grey haired one who pulled him in the alley.

"Chuuya. Please get back with me. Im mess without you. Your like light to everything please" Shirase begged with pleading eyes.

"Ew you sound like dazai when he's being annoying but its worse with you. Just fuck off" Chuuya said trying to walk away but was hold back by Shirase tight grip on his arm.

"Dont compare me to that asshole. Im better then him" Shirase said.

"Better? Dazai is way better then you, atleast he didn't go to parties just to have some slut sticking their tongue down your ear" Chuuya said.

"Fuck sake Chuuya stop living in denial. You know Dazai is shit. I mean he abounded you. Left you"

"You don't know the full story. SO FUCK OFF" Chuuya said getting annoyed and angry.

"Your really not coming back to me" Shirase said with a broken voice.

Chuuya just starred at him with anger in his eyes. Shirase then kicked chuuyas legs and he fell to floor dropping the bag off stuff that he brought, Shirase then thru a punch into Chuuyas throat causing the ginger to struggle breathing. Shirase then grabbed a empty bottle off beer that was on the ground and smashed it on Chuuyas head causing the ginger to fall to ground with a bleeding head. Chuuya got up with a struggle and punched Shirase in the nose. But due to him struggling to breath it wasn't that strong si Shirase then grabbed another empty bottle off beer and smashed it on Chuuya's arm. Chuuya fell to the floor and Shirase was about to smash another bottle when he was hit on the head by a metal pole and was on the ground.

Dazai had realized Chuuya wasn't back yet so he went to look for the short ginger and heard fighting when he saw what was going on he grabbed a metal pole on the ground and ran up to Shirase to hit him with it hard on him.

Dazai dropped the metal pole and rushed to Chuuya who coughing trying to breath. Dazai rubbed Chuuyas back and sae his arm was bleeding with glass it it.

Dazai grabbed the bag that was in the floor amd the other bag with the food he waited for and picked Chuuya up bridal style and carried him.

Chuuya was struggling to breath but after a minute he passed out from the bottle hitting on his head. Dazai noticed and rushed back to their dorm.

~Time skip~

Chuuya woke up with a headace and bandaged arm. His head hurt like shit, he was laying on Dazais bed but no sighn off Dazai. He looked around the room but nothing. After a minute dazai walked in the room with a cold cloth and saw Chuuya awake.

"Chuuya! Are you ok?" Dazai asked with concern in his voice.

"Im fine, just my head hurts" Chuuya said.

"Here, put this on your head to help." Dazai said handing him the wet cold cloth.

"Thanks. And thanks for the bandaged"  Chuuya said.

"Your welcome" Dazai with a smile.

Chuuya layed down and putting the cold cloth on his head.

"Why was Shirase beating the shit out off you? What happened" Dazai asked laying next Chuuya on the bed.

"He tried to beg for me to come back. But i redused. He took me by surprised i didn't have enough time to fight back as he punched my throat witch wasn't good" Chuuya said.

"Why does he want you back? He can get anyone but why does he have to bug you?"

"I don't know and I don't care, its his problem" Chuuya said turning his head to look at Dazai.

"I think i do. But I think its for different reasons" Dazai said.





"If someone lost you due to their mistakes id say they want you back in their lives because they realized they had one good thing and fucked it up
And can't come to terms with their regrets " Dazai said looking at the ginger with soft eyes.

"Yeah well, you don't know that really, i mean like im not perfect and i dought people regret breaking up with me. I think Shirase just wants me again because he could use me for money" Chuuya said.

"Yeah.." Dazai replied he took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.

"But I'm curious. Why do you think that?" Chuuya asked.

"I mean Chuuya. You are perfect. Your handsome, smart, kind when you want to be, brave, talented. You have so many good qualities about your self." Dazai said with a lighy blush on his checks.

"Yeah but, how do you that people regret breaking up with me?" Chuuya asked with a light blush as well after hearing what Dazai said.

"Because im one off thoses people, who wished i didn't rush things because how fucking perfect you are" Dazai said looking at Chuuya in his ocean blue eyes.

Chuuya heart started beating fast and so was dazais. They both starred at each other eyes for a while.

"Um.. Anyways. Want some water and the food we got. We didn't get a chance to eat it" Dazai said breaking the eye contact.

"Um yeah.." Chuuya said still blushing.

Dazai then got the food for both of them and water for chuuya. They ate and watched TV and both soon fell asleep together in the same bed. After none off them realizing they both were cuddling together in their sleep.




i generally hate shirase so I'm glad i made Dazai smack him with a metal pole.

Anyways love you guys MWAH thank for all the reads im so shock like tf.... WHY AM I GETTING READS LIKE HELLO I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT.

anyways lmao byeeee see you in the next chapter i promise no more bad stuff.

u can trust me 😋

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