Imagine 9: Heaven In Hell💞

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pairing: OC! 8th Deadly Sin! Mavka x Lucifer

summary: *Mavka was once a soul rested in Heaven, but when God discovered she worshipped another God who goes by the name Yggdrasil, she was banished and casted to Hell, where she then became a Sin of Paganism, creating her own ring in Hell titled Heaven in Hell. A Paganism ring, where drugs and violence are not allowed. So, one night, when the King of Hell calls all Deadly Sin leaders to gather at his palace for a party, it is there Mavka catches the eye of Lucifer himself*

Requested by AlizaEvans

*Mavka's POV*

Standing outside the white pristine doors with golden trimming and lion shaped doorknobs, Mavka exhales a soft breath. In the few years she's been in Hell, she's certainly has made a splash. Being the only Sin to have a such thing as a Paganism ring, where all demons and demoness's there don't fight, abuse, or murder, but instead are nice and try to help one another with whatever needs help with.

Drugs, and even alcohol--to some extent--isn't allowed, and one who walks through that specific ring will be shocked to see. Some even call it Heaven In Hell, which overtime became its official name, as it suited it quite well.

With one last look in Mavka's pocket mirror to make sure her hair and makeup isn't messed with or smudge, she inhales a breath and opens on the large doors, instantly hit with the sound of music and smells of freshly cooked main courses and pastries.

The inside is grandly lit with a crystal chandelier hanging overhead, and crowding the main part of the castle are many demons and demonesses who are all each Deadly Sins, just like she is. Though...deadly is a sour taste on her tongue. There isn't anything deadly about her, she simply believed in another being that went against God's existence. Paganism. truth found more answers to questions she couldn't find or even understand from reading the bible.

And that...was a big no-no to God, so as punishment when discovering she worshipped another God besides him, he banished her to Hell for her soul to rot away. Though being down here, she flourished like a flower growing out of ashes. And made her own slice of Heaven in a place where not meant to be.

Mavka chuckles. Funny, it's almost kind of like a fuck you to Heaven. She didn't mean that intentionally of course, but still, it's ironic.
As she takes an empty spot by the table displaying full glasses of wine, she takes the glass closest to her and begins to drink, before hearing the voice belonging to a familiar face and friend.

"Mavka! So good to see you again!"

"Ozzie!" she turns, excitedly rushing to hug the tall, colorful Prince. "It's so good to see you too! How have you been? Where's Fizz?" She asks curiously as she glances behind Asmodeus to possibly find Fizz. Strange, he's usually with Ozzie, but not tonight? Well, this is a gathering for Deadly Sin members only, but isn't there a such thing as a Plus One?

Ozzie takes a drink of his glass. "He wasn't feeling to well so he's at home. But what about you? How's Heaven In Hell?"
"Great so far!" Mavka smiles happily, pleased that her goal to spread kindness and make everyone happy is running smoothly. "Another demon moved in today!"

"Congrats to you," Ozzie playfully clinks your glass with his, "this calls for a toast, doesn't it, old friend?"
Mavka grins as she raises the glass to her lips to take a celebratory gulp. "Indeed, it does."

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