Chapter Four

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"Raelyn? Hey, Rae? It's me, wake up," Raelyn groggily blinked, only to be met with a tall, dark, winged individual and familiar bright red hair, both illuminated by the soft orange hue of dawn. "Welcome back to the land of the living." Ailia joked, smushing Raelyn's cheeks.

"How long have I been asleep for...? How did I get here?" She asked, looking up at the "Vena's Potions and Remedies" sign above her.

"I haven't a clue, we just arrived. But holy jalapeno, you look rough."

"Wow, thanks, Ailia."

"Just telling the truth!" She surrendered, making Raelyn chuckle as she pulled herself up off of the earthen bed she had made, probably while she was in a slightly intoxicated state, thanks to Estel.

"Have you heard anything about Ren?" Beira asked, stepping towards the three.

"Not yet, no." Raelyn gestured towards the building beside them. "A kind woman named Vena took her in there, but that was yesterday and I haven't heard anything new." Just as she finished speaking, the door creaked open and Vena emerged. It was almost as if someone placed a sheet over the region, because the atmosphere instantaneously changed, ominosity and sorrow blanketing the once lively village. Raelyn's eyes glossed over at the sight of Vena's somber expression, and her heart dropped into her stomach when Vena simply pressed her lips into a sympathetic yet knowing line.

"I'm sorry... I-I did what I could, but it was too late." She spoke, her voice weak. It seemed as though the world went silent; the birds ceased their songs and all of the surrounding townsfolk's conversations died out. The only sound to be heard, was the sound of Raelyn's desperate sobs, accompanied by the heavy thud of her body collapsing to the ground as her world fell apart.

"Shh, Raelyn, I'm right here," Ailia was beside her in an instant, wrapping Raelyn in a tight embrace. "I know, I know," she tried her best to soothe the quaking girl, but her throat was tightening up as tears too emerged from her hues.

"I-It's a-all my f-fault," Raelyn bawled, gripping her brown waves painfully tight.

"No, no, it's not at all your fault—"

"It is!" Raelyn interrupted, pushing Ailia away. "I-I'm incapable of protecting mys-self! I-If I could j-just stop freezing up and make myself u-useful, I wouldn't have lost my h-husband and I wouldn't h-have lost Ren!"

"Hey, listen to me—"

"I-I can't breathe, I just, o-oh god—"

"Raelyn!" Ailia shouted desperately, holding Raelyn's face in her hands. "Stop! For five seconds, stop and breathe!" Her words fell on deaf ears as Raelyn wailed, pushing her away and punching the ground until her hands were scraped and bloody. "What do we do?"

"You don't do anything," Beira placed a hand on Ailia's shoulder, her eyes unusually red. "We just have to let her tire herself out..."

"I'm so sorry..." Vena whispered, reminding them of her presence. "I wish I could've done more, and maybe I could've if she had gotten here sooner, but the Belladonna had directly entered her bloodstream through the cut on her cheek." She wrapped her arms around herself. "It was hopeless from the start."

"But how? How did she get Belladonna poisoning through a cut?" Drago asked incredulously. "It's not like she found the plant and just, rubbed it on every open wound she had."

"I don't know, but we can't worry about that now... We have to worry about Raelyn at the moment. Once she calms down, we can discuss the 'how's' and the 'why's', but that's not what any of us need right now." Ailia said firmly, and her companions knew not to argue. She carefully padded towards Raelyn's heaving and trembling form, kneeling in front of her. "Hey, Rae... Look at me, please?" Raelyn whimpered, slowly raising her head and meeting Ailia's gaze. "Hey, you're gonna be alright... It really sucks right now, I know, but it will get better." Raelyn only shook her head, inhaling sharply as she desperately tried to fill her burning lungs.

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