Chapter Eleven

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"It's so cold!" Rivka groaned, as Drago walked between her and Ailia, using his wings to try and keep them warm.

"Yeah, it's below freezing." Beira snapped, walking comfortably in the elements with her wool-lined coat, pants, and cloak, with a full-woolen scarf around her neck.

"We really should've found some clothes at Lindion before we left." Ailia shivered, and Drago instinctively pulled her closer, rubbing her arm. Raelyn watched them, and was ever-grateful for her hooded cloak she clung to.

"We're almost inside, it'll be warm in there." Beira rolled her eyes, someone calling her name before she could open the doors of the mead hall.

"Beira!" A man exclaimed happily, "You're back!"

"I've returned, I'm sorry I left so suddenly." She smiled ever-so-slightly, turning to him. Ailia groaned, since they were so close to the warmth of the mead hall yet so far.

"You brought guests?" The man said, smiling happily at the group behind her.

"I did. Guys, this is my brother, Alpin."

"You have a brother?" Raelyn asked softly, lowering the hood of her cloak and stepping forward.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled, taking in her appearance. "Oh! You must be Queen Raelyn, right?"

"Indeed, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She smiled weakly, bowing.

"I really wish I could've attended your coronation and met you sooner, your highness... I was going to, but my health had other plans." He chuckled lightly, bowing in reply and lightly kissing her hand...

"Ladies first," Kiernan smiled, lightly kissing her hand.

"You always know how to fluster me, don't you?"

Oh, no... No, please don't— She pulled her hand away abruptly, startling him. "I'm sorry, did I—"

"Just... I'll tell you later, Alpin." Beira said quietly, as Raelyn took a step back and hid her hands behind her.

"Sorry, I just..." She shut her eyes firmly, shaking her head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, your grace." He replied, eyeing her empathetically. "Well, Bei, I can tell you that Mom and Dad are not happy." He said, placing his hands on his hips as he turned toward his sister.

"I know..." She groaned. "It's not like we had a choice, we had to leave when we did."

"I'll speak with the Chiefs." Raelyn said, sighing. "Have they been informed of our arrival?"

"They're inside... Good luck." He smirked, backing away as Beira finally opened the doors, entering the hall.

"I've returned," Beira said, as they approached the king and queen. "And I brought company."

"Beira." Theodric said gruffly, his wife, Amara, gazing at Beira with a look of anger. "You left without informing us."

"I know, I apologize... We didn't have a choice."

"You could've left a note, or told your brother." Amara said sternly.

"What were you thinking?! You made us worried sick!" Theodric shouted, "How foolish are you?!"

"Your majesty, your highness. If I may—" Raelyn began, stepping forward to kneel when Rydel spoke up.

"Don't talk to her like that!" He yelled, making Beira and Raelyn's eyes widen as they turned back to look at him. "What makes you think you can be so disrespectful?! Calling her foolish; she saved somebody's life by leaving when she did!" Beira hid her face with her hand, stifling laughter and hiding a blush while Raelyn bit her lip to contain her amused smile, facing the ground as Rydel continued to scold Beira's parents. Drago hid behind his wing as the man called the rulers "imbeciles" and "bespawlers", Rivka, Chibi, and Ren all watching in wide-eyed amusement. "Who do you think you are?!"

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