Chapter 4

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Once I get into the cafeteria, I get in line for food. I feel a tap from behind me. I look over and see Shinsou.

As we wait in the line together he says, "So you're immune to quirks."

"Yep," I reply.

"That's cool," he says, his monotone voice cracking a bit. We move up the line.

"I guess," I grab a food tray and start to put food on it. "It really isn't special."

He doesn't reply. We go through the entire line of food.

I feel people's gaze on me. I turn to look and catch a couple of the 1A students staring at me. Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu. Must be because they recognize me. They all immediately turn away when I catch their stares.

I hear Shinso behind me start to say something behind me.

"Y/n!" Mina calls out to me, "Come eat with us!"

I look behind me to ask Shinso to repeat himself, but find that he's disappeared. Odd.

I turn back to Mina's table. Bakugo, Mina, Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima all sit together. I look back to the table that had a couple of stares my way. Midoriya, Ochako, Todoroki, Ida, Yaoyorozu and Jiro sit at that table. They all pretend they hadn't been staring at me.

I walk towards Mina's table, "Hey Mina!" I sit down at the empty seat beside Bakugo.

Bakugo stiffens. He glares at Mina. Why does this guy hate me? I decide to ignore him. On the opposing side sits Mina, Kaminari and Sero. Kirishima is sitting beside Bakugo on the opposite side.

"So y/n, how was your first day in General Studies going?" Kaminari asks me, smiling teasingly.

"Going good so far."

That's the last question I'm asked before the group goes back into their usual shenanigans.

I can't help but feel a bit awkward.

Once lunch ends I take my empty tray back to the stack of dirty trays.

Todoroki comes up beside me and puts his tray in right after mine. I turn my head and look at him briefly before returning to class. His cheeks were pinkish but it might've been in my head.

The rest of the day flies by. I saw Shinso back in his seat when I came to class. I didn't feel his gaze on me for the rest of the day.

I get back to the 1A dorm and quickly take the elevator up to my room. My shift is going to be soon! Once I get to my dorm I hurry and change into my McDonald's uniform. I've figured out the subway system so I'll take the train there. I rush back downstairs. Some of class 1A is in the common area.

Midoriya spots me rushing out, "Hey y/n. Where are you going?"

I feel the eyes of the Bakusquad, Todoroki and a few others on me.

I glance at Midoriya, "Work."

"Oh really? Where do you-" Before he can even ask the question, I'm gone.

The group all just stares at each other.

Bakugo answers Midoriya with a snarky response, "Isn't obvious where she works. She's wearing a McDonald's uniform."


I rush on the subway to get to work. I feel someone watching me on the subway. I notice a person with a black hood overtop of their head, hiding their face. They're a ways away. That's probably who was staring at me. I choose to not confront the person for now.

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