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"Boss we defeated them five of us are badly injured but out of danger"

Im listening whatever shit he is saying, it's not usual infact it's impossible for someone to attach on my warehouse that too for massionary weapons. I'm finding this highly impossible.

First they attack on the drugstore and then gold smuggling and now on weapon warehouse and yet we can easily defeat them and they run away easily.

"Boss we got one of them"

As those words slipped away from him a smirk landed on my face.

"Mmm that's a good news"

The fact is that the person who kept on attacking me doesn't want gold, doesn't want drugs, neither he wants weapons the attacks are warning warning for DOMINIC KNIGHT.

This is going as I predicted, all I need to know what the fuck he really wants, He'd have easily tricked Meera for signature before she married to Vidyuth, he'd have easily got property under his spell, at first I'd have said he is too dumb for those tricks, untill I got to know his hand behind dad's accident, first dad's murder then killing mom He left no choice for me then talking a hold of my Mafia life i came back to the mafia, 'Im sorry dad i had to back in this life I'm really sorry this time instead of me I'm thinking about Meera' I know there is something else he wants I need to know that.

I got cut off by a phone call.


I hummed in return.

'hai ragione, il capo Grayson è dietro di lui'
(You are right sir Grayson's are behind him)

Last I knew was Rohit fucking Roy's last supporting bitchy piller her Mehta.

'scavare di più nelle informazioni che voglio ogni singola cosa'
(Digg more in to the information I want every single thing)

I ordered my man.

'Si Capo'
(Yes boss)

I hummed in return, the only thing is roaming inside my brain is what the fuck is between Grayson's and Rohit fucking Roy.

He wants Meera

That fucker wants Meera

He is behind her technically property belongs to Meera and Vidyuth now, he is behind Meera that is obvious.

I need to notify Vidyuth regarding situation or else he will get hold of my baby last thing I want is to Meera to get kidnapped I don't want that, he sent a girl he literally sent a someone who is already inside Rathore mansion to create conflict between Meera and Vidyuth, I need to call him will he talk to me? He will obviously he have to anyway.

I dialied his number well getting his contact number is not a bigg deal for me, on third to fourth ring he picked up.


I met with a silence it might be confusing for him well I know it's matter of second for him that I'm the one who called him.

"Bigg brother"

He chuckled, that is what he used to call me bigg brother. I see my little version inside him he is cold calm composed brilliant genius and fabulous negotiater what not he is exactly like me that reminds why he is closest to me.

"How are you?"

I heard him laughing fake laughing? Yeah.

"Well that's not what actually you want to know"

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