Qlipoth Fort

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Hope you're happy guys, this may not be a great chapter

The Stellaron Hunters exited the train, walking up the long flight of stairs to the surface. Blade was looking slightly worse for wear, it seemed like his Mara was starting to well up inside him.

"Let's just hide somewhere to let Blade calm down," Y/N suggested, looking back at Blade in concern. This dumb emo was about to go rabid if they didn't calm his ass down.

"Yes, I do agree with that," Kafka responded, covering her eyes as the harsh sunlight hit her face. "Let's just find an alleyway or something, then we'll get Bladie back into shape..."

Kafka walked ahead, while Blade (being propped up by the unhappy Silver Wolf and Y/N duo) followed closely behind. She walked into an alleyway, which smelled like... I don't even want to describe it, and they both leant Blade down against a wall.

"He's shivering," Silver Wolf told Kafka

Kafka sighed, and beckoned Y/N to come with her to the other side of the alleyway. Y/N nodded, and walked up to her, as they observed their freezing surroundings.

There, just 100 meters away from them, stood Qlipoth Fort. A grand building standing tall in the centre of Belobog. Residence to the Supreme Guardian, a place where many people worked, where decisions regarding the future of Belobog were made.

"Blades looking worse for wear," Silver Wolf commented again, looking at him holding his head, his red eyes starting to go an amber colour.

Y/N and Kafka looked back at the other two, from the end of an alleyway. The entrance to Qlipoth Fort was relatively unguarded, to their delight, and the guards didn't even look that strong.

"Y/N, listen, use your illusions to calm Blade down," Kafka ordered. Y/N rolled his eyes, but walked over to Blade,

"The Mara..." Blade whispered, as he clenched his sword tightly. His other hand gripped the edge of it, his fingers starting to bleed as he held it harder.

"Jeez, emo, calm down," Y/N complained, waving his hand in front of Blades face. As he saw no reaction, Y/N sighed, and just snapped his fingers, using his illusions to make Blade see things that made him happy (other than sharp objects 💀).

Blades grip on his sword loosened a bit, and he sighed, as he watched the illusion. Y/N remembered what Blade once told him about his past. Or, well, what Y/N saw when he entered Blades mind.

Y/N had never heard of the Xianzhou Loufu's legendary High Cloud Quintet. After all, it was 500 years ago, so this emo can also be classed as a boomer. Anyways, back then, Blade wasn't immortal. He was called Yingxing back then, too. Y/N didn't dive any deeper into his mind after that, but he was sure interested. Especially because Blade himself couldn't remember it all, after he's died so many times.

Y/N conjured up a small illusion in front of Blade. He knew he couldn't reveal how much of Blades past he knew, so he went for something simple: the Xianzhou Loufu itself. Blade wouldn't question it, he literally came from there, and Y/N knew that most of his memories from there were positive. There was no smile on his face, but that's just Blade, he supposed.

"Blade better be alright," Silver Wolf groaned, blowing some bubble gum as she leaned against the wall opposite to Blade. All of Belobog seemed to be quiet, Y/N guessed they were probably on high alert of more robots going haywire, like that Pascal one Clara mentioned.

Y/N looked to Kafka, who had mysteriously disappeared. "Where's Kafka gone?" he asked, to which Silver Wolf shrugged, shaking her head as she looked at her phone.

"Probably looking for a way to get in," Silver Wolf answered. "Say, the message Elio sent was vague as always. Attempted assassination, though, is very on point for Elio. He usually tells us to not do anything drastic, right?"

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