Chapter Four

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Suddenly two more people appeared in the room. The Mikaelsons minus Klaus and Freya startled when a calm Mikael stood there. Rebekah paled once she spotted Marcel next to him.

"Are you okay?" Regulus asked her.

Rebekah nodded, "I've just done some things I regret," she says back. She flinches when she sees her daughter give her a small glare. Vega knew what it was, she also knew that as much as her father loved her mother, he always had his mental shields up when Rebekah had a tantrum.

"What is Father doing here?" Kol asked, a bit shaken.

"He was spelled by Esther to act like that," Klaus defended Mikael, though it was in a small voice. Finn, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah looked shocked.

"But—" Finn started, remembering his letter.

"I was trying to drive the message how I was feeling this whole time," Klaus told him, "He doesn't want to kill us now."

"He also remembers everything he was forced to do," Freya added.

"Like being called by his younger daughter to kill his stepson," Marcel bitterly added, going to sit with Klaus and introducing himself to Jamie, already figuring out from the two next to her explaining who he was that this wasn't the Jamie he knew. "You're Henrik, aren't you?" he asked the male sitting to Jamie's right.

"That I am. This is my sister Hope," Henrik answered, introducing his sister.

Rebekah looked in shame as Regulus had moved a little away from her. Vega felt a little bit of sympathy for her mother, but knew it was her fault for not waiting for her soulmate to appear and forcing Marcel to be that person. It would take a while, she was the youngest amongst her cousins. Rebekah could also feel the stares of Regulus' brother and parents. Orion II looked between his two fathers, he knew Sirius and Remus were civil with Rebekah, but both were protective other the younger Black brother.

Mikael silently asked Klaus if he was comfortable with him sitting in the spot next to him, Klaus nods slightly and Mikael moves to the spot next to his stepson while Marcel moved to sit on the ground between Klaus and Jamie so he could still talk to the two. Klaus felt a hand move to his and saw Jamie had grabbed his hand while she was still staring at the screen.

"Another bit of background information. The Peverells had to go into hiding because a man named Grindelwald stole their symbol and started to cause havoc because he had the Elder Wand, he wanted the other Hallows," Jamie continued her explanation.

Tom and Jamie motion to the screen and looked back at Molly who had made the earlier comment about the Deathly Hallows. Safe to say she shut her mouth.

"Dumbledore aka the git headmaster of Hogwarts was helping him,"

Very dramatic gasps sounded through the hallway. Sirius and Jamie felt offended at how dramatic the gasps were. They were supposed to be the dramatic ones, not them. The Slytherins, however, broke their pureblood masks and started cackling so loud that it echoed in the Hall. Dumbledore's complexion now matched his beard, you couldn't tell what was skin and what was beard.

"The Peverells went into hiding after finding out they couldn't wear their symbol out anymore because they would get attacked. Cadmus' child had married into the Slytherin Line and soon gained the Slytherin Lordship after the other lines died. They eventually became the Gaunts and Gaunts were not friendly whatsoever. Ignotus' child also married a Slytherin and eventually a Gryffindor. When they went into hiding, they became the Potters. When my parents went to school, they have the houses Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, the names of the Founders. My mother was in the Slytherin house and found out there was a new heir. My father eventually found about it and him and my uncle went to talk to him and helped him. The thing is, he could never get the proper protection for himself. Soon after I was born he started going crazy. Something in his mind was telling him that he was scared to die. He was raised in the war and somebody played on that," Jamie explained.

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