The files

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This is what this story is based on. Some not so well known files in the Tanuku Research Laboratory.
They say the following.

The Tanorian "Climitten"

We have reason to believe wild "Climitten" formerly known as "Kittiny" have gone completely extinct. These Tanorians have no natural known evolutions, and how they managed to make it this far is beyond our scientific understanding.

From a quick look, there is nothing special about this Tanorian species, however recent studies have proven otherwise. We have taken it upon ourselves to reserve the last of this Tanorian kind. 3 private ranches located at #### and #### care for hundreds of Kittiny.

At the lab, we have dubbed the Tanorian "Climitten" months ago, we equipped a couple hundred Climitten with a weather balloon filled with specialised mixture of hydrogen & helium to counter balance the weight and allow for it to fly. Omnidirectional flight can be controlled via slight movements from the host.


We had slowly trickled Climitten into the wild to not raise any suspicion, these Climitten were equipped with tracking devices which could take the temperature, climate and any alerting weather conditions, sending data back to the research lab.

As it stands today, the couple hundred Climitten we sent have resented us, prolonged exposure to Tanorio's weather made all Climitten, and evolutions, grow a grumpy personality. This grumpy personality has resulted in countless personal vendettas against some of our staff, one such evolution names "Blimpurr" was seen carrying large stones and dash them onto the houses of said staff.

Blimpurr have also been seen taking a lot of wild Climitten out of the wild, and nurturing it as if it was their own children.

We deeply regret our initial wild testing, and have ceased operations, opting to conduct harmless tests localised to the lab. These tests have seen quite a lot of success, Climitten have deepened our understanding of this island's weather, showing us that this part of Tanorio is a lot more lush due to the consistent rainfall found everywhere, leading to flora that cover the land.


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