Bedtime Story Insanity

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"Ya like that little kitty? Ya like that?! You won't be getting anywhere closer, you won't be touching a thing!" a bun-haired lady monologued... and continued monologuing.

"Auntie, please, calm down! It's just a kitten!" a redheaded girl exclaimed.

"Holy Cowsmic! What's going on here?" a blonde boy asked.

The redhead girl turned to him. "Yeah, well you see uh..."

"Yes?" the blonde boy said.

"...your mom went crazy and now she's trying to suffocate a Climitten with their own balloon." the redhead girl explained.

"I had just woken up and- I- wha- how did this come about?!" the blonde boy asked, very confused.

That is indeed the question that we all must be wondering; how did this even happen? Well, that is the story that shall be told today. The story of... well you read the title so I don't have to say it.

Let's get on with the story.

Oompa Loompa dompety-doo
I've got a tragic tale for you

Oompa Loompa doompety-dee
If you are wise, you'd listen to me

It was a quite a breezy night in the village of Tanuku. Times a pretty good, times a pretty-

Knock knock knock

I didn't get to finish my narrative monologue wh-

Okay, I should've narrated faster. Heading right to the point I guess. No need to for unimportant atmosphere descriptions.

In the front door of a certain house was a... unique mailman. It seems that he is attending to deliver a letter of some kind.

Mail time mail time mail tiiiiiiimmme. Here's the mail sometimes it fails, when it does I- That's not how the song goes.

The entrance door opens up as the home owner sees who's on the other side.


"Hi, I'm here to personally, for some reason, deliver this envelope to you." the mailman informed, handing over the envelope.

"Oh," the lady on the other side took the envelope "thanks, uh..."

"Aight, see ya, got more mail to deliver." the mailman scurried off.

The lady closed the door and opened the envelope, seeing what it's about.


'Dear #######, papa is too busy to write this so he had me write it instead, meow. You have to give papa money before it's too late and overdue, or the big baddies and me will come and whoop you, meow. They said that if you don't pay it in time, that "we'd be coming to get ya". Please send the money to Bill, whoever that is, a lot is needed like seriously, apparently there's angry people so please give da money, meow.

'From da bank I forgot the name of.'

There was a cat face on the side.

Hmm, it seems that her name cannot be mentioned so... I'll just call her "M"

M sighed as she went to put away the envelope. "Yet another letter from the bank... I really have to find another job soon... especially since they'll be 'coming to get me'".

M sat down on a chair to think things through, specifically about her money and job situation.

"Y'know, I might actually consid-" suddenly, a small box came in flying through the window onto her head.

Tales of Tanorio - Your Mom Reads You A Bedtime Story But Slowly Goes InsaneWhere stories live. Discover now