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26 4 0

-Gabriella, 18-

The light overhead buzzed and flickered as I picked at my salad. In the background, I could hear the humming of people talking on the news, but it was almost entirely drowned out by my mother's noisy crunching.

"So, Gabriella... Is that friend of yours in this running group?" She asked. It was the first time she'd spoken to me since I got in the door, when she had reprimanded me about how I needed to take my trainers off before I 'ruined' her carpet. I glanced up at her over my unappetizing bowl of leaves. I was about to panic and ask her how she knew about Luka until I realized she meant Lex instead. The idea of my best friend being able to run any faster then a snail made the corners of my lips hike up in amusement.

"No. It's just me, two girls from my school, and three others from Oakgreen University."

"Right." She replied, uninterested, and speared a piece of bland chicken onto her fork. "Running is good for you, you know."

My smile fell. I ran for myself, not for her; however much she loved it...

She had begun to critique my appearance ever since I returned from Saint Caspers, because I wasn't the spitting image of her ultra-thin model-like body. When I got into running, and began to slim down, it was probably the most proud she'd ever been of me. But when I gained some muscle, and started to look strong instead of fragile, that proud feeling was thrown in the bin. Along with any decent food. Due to her, I lived off the same diet as a tortoise, and it really wasn't enough to fuel a human girl- let alone a werewolf one. I was lucky Lex always had snacks at her dorm that I could pick on over the school day, or else I'd probably be passing out a whole lot more often.

"Thanks for dinner." I mumbled, and got up to do my dishes.

After I was done, I headed to my bedroom, and pulled my phone out my pocket. I'd only talked to Lex two hours ago, when she said goodbye to me at the end of the day, but I felt the need to speak with her again.

It had been a strange day, after all, and my thoughts were swimming around my head.

I'd met up with her at lunch, so she was aware that Luka was on my course, and we'd had a chat about that. She was incredibly optimistic about the whole thing, really: having had to put up with my pining for a while now, she seemed to think that maybe the close proximity would leave some room for salvaging. And if it meant less of my weeping, she was all for it. I wasn't so sure. But I couldn't deny that her optimism gave kindling to the tiny spark of hope that had remained in my chest ever since I left Saint Caspers.

"Hi, Lex." I mumbled when she picked up the phone.

"What's up?"

I was originally going to whine to her about my mother, but I paused, and another idea came into my head. "Ever since I got the scholarship, I've had a fund for accommodation under my name. I was wondering whether you... might be cool with me dorming with you. I don't think I can stand another day in this house, and besides, it'd be good to be closer to the track."

I held my breath as I waited for her response.

"That'd be great! And I'd have extra money if you paid your half of the rent. Could you move in tomorrow?" She asked, gleefully.

"Um... I mean, I might have to convince my mother to let me go... But probably, yeah. I'm free from track up until Sunday, so I can move in before my Thursday morning English lecture." I suggested. "But I'm happy to transfer the money over now if that's what you want."

"Nah, don't worry about that right now. I can't wait!" She squealed, and launched straight into a one-sided conversation about how we could decorate, and where she would put all the boxes that were on her un-used guest bed. I listened to her ramble for another hour until we finally said goodnight, before I began to pack my most important things into a suitcase and backpack, ready for the next morning.

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