CH: 12

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The impending final had Ishan in jitters throughout the day. He found himself pacing back and forth in the nets, unable to sit still for even a moment. Every time he adjusted his pads or gloves, it felt like everything was prickling his skin.

“You seem stressed,” Rishabh remarked.

“Aren’t we all?” Surya said with a sigh.

“No, Ishan looks stressed stressed.”

Ishan clicked his tongue in frustration before flopping down onto the grass. "Forget about playing, I haven't even watched the final all these years," he grunted, his voice tinged with unease.

“Why?” Tilak asked.

“Because Shubman’s team was always in the final,” Rishabh explained with a snort.

“Eh. That’s kind of petty, Ishan bhai.”

Ishan huffed, rolling around on the grass idly. It was true that he had been a little petty, but there was more to it than that. Watching Shubman and Abhishek play in the final would have reminded him of then. He didn't want to feel pathetic and helpless in front of them again.

“It’s okay,” Surya patted his back. “It's not like you haven't reached the finals before. You ended up winning the U-17 league.”

Ishan winced a little at the mention. “I didn't win it, they did.”

“Is it true that you were benched in the mmph-”

Rishabh was too late in covering Tilak’s mouth, and Ishan stilled, his expression darkening.

“Ishan,” Rishabh’s soft voice called out, but he was already on his feet, walking away from them.

"He's still not over it," Surya whispered with a touch of concern, while Rishabh tapped Tilak's head.

Ishan unleashed all his pent-up frustration on the balls, swinging his bat relentlessly for hours. Mayank, Siraj, and Yuzi took turns bowling to him, their movements growing sluggish as Ishan showed no signs of stopping.

"That's enough," Mayank yelled, snatching the bat out of Ishan's grip. "Do you want to kill yourself before the match?"

Ishan scowled. "I'll ask Hardik-"

"No one's going to bowl to you!"

"Fuck off, Mayank. You don't get to order me around," Ishan retorted.

"Give yourself a break,” Mayank snapped. “Tomorrow's important for all of us. We can't afford to have you fall sick.”

“Don’t lecture me,” Ishan grumbled as he grabbed back his bat and walked off, ignoring the other’s words.

Mayank heaved a sigh, running his hand through his sweaty hair in frustration. He scrunched his nose, deciding that he needed an immediate shower.

It was around dinner time that someone asked, “Where’s Ishan?”

“He’s not back yet?” Mayank’s voice grew tense.

It struck everyone as odd for Ishan to be missing after curfew time. Before big matches, they didn't usually stay out practicing for too long. Instead, they would watch a movie together and relax.

“He’s not picking up his phone,” Abhishek said, frowning.

Mayank's instincts told him that something was wrong. "I'm gonna go check in the nets," he announced before rushing out.

His heart sank when he saw Ishan lying motionless on the ground, his eyes widening in panic. He raced closer to his friends, and reached out to hold Ishan in his arms. “Fuck, are you okay?”

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