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"You fucking idiot" The real Dr. W. Afton yells at the new doorman. He was home all along. This was the 2nd time the doorman let someone in. "I would never write that into my entry request. Quit your job or else I will have you fired" he keeps yelling. "Miss Nowakis, please do something about this" he begs. I nod.

Francis carried Mia to the next hospital. After the monster bit her leg and Francis single-handedly beat that thing and threw it out. I hope she will make it. Mia Stone, I mean. Not that monster. "Document what happened" I tell that young guy. I doubt he's even over the age of 15, he looks incredibly young, almost like a child that needs to be shielded. That just shows how these times are desperate.

The D.D.D. finally arrives. Dr. W Afton explaining the situation while I'm writing that goddamn report, that doorman, no, doorboy acting pissed, probably at himself.

"If you're unsure, you can always call the apartment. It's just a matter of seconds, it's disrupting but they usually understand" I tell him reassuringly. He nods quietly while signing the report.

An hour passes, Francis makes his way back. That doorboy looks at him, about to take a look at his ID again. Me standing behind him. "I can assure you that's him" I say and press the button. The D.D.D. guy calls the doorboy out and I can see him scold him until he comes back. "Please be more careful, okay?" I say reassuringly.

Francis waiting by the stairs for me, I fall into his arms in silence. I was beyond concerned, he put himself in danger. We were in danger, all of us.

"Fuck" I whisper. But soon I realize Dr. W. Afton is watching us, eyebrows raised "ahem" I say out loud. Francis nods "ummm...Your fiancé is alright" he says, reaching into his pocket, handing him a card. "She will stay until tomorrow 4pm, you may visit her, Here's the details" the man now inspects the card and nods. "Thank you, Sir" he says coldly after clearing his throat and leaves upstairs to the 3rd floor.

"You didn't cry, Marika" he says "You're such a strong girl" he tells me. I giggle. I know I shouldn't, but I feel overly happy and cheerful. It's gotten so late and I get tired.

"Francis-" I try to say but he interrupts me: "It's so late, let me bring you to bed. I mean granted you can sleep tonight" he looks at me now. I can feel his breath on my forehead, that's how close we are. I nod and we slowly head upstairs. I should go to sleep, but I'm so slow on purpose. Actually, I don't ever want our time together to end.

On the 3rd floor I expect us to part ways. However, I'm about to stop, expecting us to say good bye right here. He keeps walking upstairs, even waiting for me. I open my door. "Good night, Francis, I say and he kisses my hands once again and he slowly goes to his place soon.

My shift starts way too early. The night shift guy looks surprised to see me again, but I go ahead to make coffee. "Good morning" I say sternly. "It's okay to make mistakes, I almost made a lot of them too" I say, trying to make the situation a lot less uncomfortable. He nods, shame being evident on his face.

Nothing is happening that day. I still work precisely, but besides very few, no Doppelgängers tried to sneak in. And those that tried failed to be even a little bit convincing.

My shift is almost over. It's Francis!
Still serious, he hands me both his entry request and ID. I look at them, acting like I don't know that he is 100% the real Francis. I take extra long to see how he would react, but I can't contain my giggles. He rolls his eyes and gives me a soft smile. I wish I could visit him today, but I will be picked up to go on a date. I can't even rest after my shift. I sigh and open the gate for him. He walks upstairs but turns around to look at me.

My shift is over and I fix my hair. Before I could even walk outside, he already stands there, even though I made it outside on time, he stands there, impatiently crossing his arms. Jorekis, also known as the father of Anastacha Mikaelys. God, I hate this so so much.

His cruelty and disdain for people like me is evident, yet he can't get enough of us. I see his eyes light up as he sees me. He is handsome, I can't deny that. But his features are marred by a look of intense hatred whenever he talks about humans

"Hello, beautiful," he says, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "I'm glad you could make it."

I roll my eyes, but he ignores my reaction completely. I hate the way he tries to ignore the fact that he has the absolute worst character I have ever experienced. That he's complete trash and I wouldn't associate with him at all, if I had a choice...

We walked to a Café and now I sit down opposite of him, forcing a smile him, trying to ignore the fact that he could easily kill me if he wanted to. Yes, he wouldn't mind pain if it meant harming me. Let's address the elefant in the room: we are nothing but enemies.

"Your dress is very beautiful" he tries to start a conversation. I roll my eyes again "It's not a dress, I'm wearing a blouse and a skirt" I correct him.
"Well, whatever it is, it's very beautiful." He tries to save the situation. Silence fills our table. Around this time, all Cafés are closed. But this one isn't a normal Café, it's a hidden Café, operated by Doppelgängers. It's almost cute how much they want to imitate us. I hate it here. Nobody besides us can be seen.

The evening I refuse to eat anything. Nothing there even looks edible. I much preferred the restaurant we went to before because actual humans worked there. I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks while staring at me. I shake my head "nothing, I'm just not used to your monster food or whatever all of this is supposed to be"

He begins laughing. I get confused. He calms down and explains "Well, I thought you would never tell me. Because that Café isn't even real" and starts laughing again. Anger fills me. "God, you're unbearable" I yell. I don't know where I am, it's supposed to be a Café and looks like one, and now he's telling me it isn't?

"Hey, Rika. I know you liked that restaurant. Let's go there" he says and grabs my hand, pulling me there. We immediately get a table, not many people visit restaurants these days.

He stares at me now. I blush a little, much to his amusement. "That's... beautiful. I mean the colour your skin just turned into" he says, gently touching my cheek. His hands are cold as ice, if not colder. I try to ignore the freezing hand. Finally, our food comes. I can't help but only choose a Greek salad. He... eats waffles from the kids menu. I giggle a little, much to his confusion.

For a moment, I'm feeling just like 2 normal people on a cute, fun date. We keep talking for a few hours. Suddenly, I spill some of the yogurt dressing on my dress. I get shocked. "Excuse me for a second, I have to clean myself up." I say and slowly walk towards the bathroom. I get annoyed to see a big sign "closed due to repeating cases of arson"

At least they should have a towel or something alike. I'm going to knock on the kitchen door.

The door opens, and I see...

"Nacha??" My eyes widen as I say, almost shout her name. "Oh, hey Marika. Is something wrong? What are you doing here?" She asks with a smile. "Ummm, I spilled something on my dress, do you have a sink I could use?" I ask, trying to hide my nervousness "Yes of course, follow me" And I follow her to the back of the kitchen. It's not too busy, only 2 other people stand there, barely noticing me. "Let me help you, Marika" she says as she helps wash off the dressing. "Thank you so much" I say. "No problem, you often helped me too. Besides, are you on a date here?" She asks joyfully.

"Yes, something like that" I say, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "Ooh? Who is it? Is he handsome?" She asks. "I guess..." I say. Disappointment being evident on her face, I try to distract. "Well, thank you so much, I have to go now, I have early shift tomorrow" I say. She smiles and nods "Good luck" she says as I leave.

I feel relieved to realize the kitchen is so far away from us. I come back and he keeps talking, as if nothing happened.

I feel bad now. No, I'm in danger. Fuck. I start to yawn. "Are you tired, my dearest? Right, it's late and humans need more sleep. Let me pay, and I will carry you home"

He carries me home, my body still in shock. Once I'm home, I'm finally taking a long, hot bath. I'm about to go to sleep, when I hear a knock on my door.

I open, and... "Hey.." it's Nacha?!!

"About today, I think we should have a talk, from woman to woman"

*finished* That's not Francis [Milkman fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now