Sluts learn

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I stared up at him and he stared back. I quickly started looking him over, sure he was handsome. He was probably 6 foot or higher, had strong arms, short black hair, and at least one tattoo on his arm I could see from the white shirt he was wearing. Sure I could fuck him, but being a slut was something else entirely. I wasn't going to sell my body for this rich fuck, I thought of myself more highly than that. Not to mention I already had a well paying job at a bakery before any of this shit happened.
"I'm no whore" I said
"I didn't say you were one"
"You just asked me to be your slut"
"Yes" he said. "MY slut and as my slut you would be mines. Your arms, legs, hair, breasts.. that beautiful thing between your legs, its all mines"
I started to blush at this point. Why would he want me to be his slut, he's the richest man in town. And better yet, why would I want to be his?
"I.." Then he suddenly grabbed my tied back hair and pulled it more, causing me to fully arch my back.
"Do you want this off?" He asked "This hair tie"
"Yes" I said immediately. Holding my head back for who knows how long began to get tiring.
"If I remove this, are you going to be good?"
I looked back up, confused as to what he meant. Noticing my look, he said
"No spitting, no head butting, no biting"
"I won't do any of that"
He removed the rope that tied my hair back. I immediately moved my head forward. The release of this tension was amazing. He then began to rub my scalp with his fingers.
"Does that feel better?" He said
"Yea" I said
As he got up to tie the rope around his arm to put away, I began to crack my neck and relax. He opened a closet in the corner of the room to place the rope in, and then walked back to me. At least I thought he was walking back to me. Instead he walked past me to open a door that I wasn't facing, then came back to me. He picked me up from the ground by my shoulders. Like I was an infant. Without the hair tie, my torso at least could freely bend.
"What are you doing?" I said
He didn't say a word and grabbed me by the butt while trying to get my restrained bent at the knee legs to wrap around his torso. He was trying to carry me, like an infant. He got a good grasp of me, and took me through the door beyond that room. Past the door, I saw an identical room to the one I was in before. Black walls, dark red carpet, and one window. Although this room had more furniture. In this room there was a large wooden table, and a full sized bed with dark red sheets and a wooden headboard. I wouldn't be surprised if this was his room. A room with two pieces of nothing furniture and an extra room attached specially made to hold people hostage. My eyes were also adjusting to the room as the sun decided to shine brighter in here than the other room. Either that or the other room just had tinted windows. Before I knew it, I was on the large wooden table. I didn't know how to sit on this table, so when I was placed on it, I got to one knee which made me fall on my butt.
"Sit" he said
"I'm trying" I said. The wood was hard though I have to thank the sun for it not being also cold. If I were unrestrained, I would sit with my legs closed and my knees bent, but that wouldn't be happening. When I bought my legs together, it would just make me fall over, and I couldn't use my arms for balance as each were bent at the elbow. Tired of watching me fail to be seated, he took his hands and opened my legs so I could finally sit down. My legs were making a W shape, but I finally sat down.
"Sit up" he said squeezing my thighs, making sure to keep his hands on my legs.
I quickly sat up, not understanding what the purpose of a good posture would give to this moment.
"I like this you know." He said "Watching you struggle in front of me, but we need to get to basics"
When he said this I went from looking him in the eyes, to looking down at the rope wrapped around me.
"You're here, in my home, as punishment for your sister's crimes" he said very closely to my face at a whisper. "From now on, I owe you. And as time goes on we'll see how well you will understand that statement."
He raised his index and middle fingers to my mouth. "Open"
I looked at his hand confused as to what he meant though I quickly understood in a matter of seconds what he wanted. To this I looked him in his brown eyes that turned light chocolate in this room's light. He smacked me on the side of my torso with his other hand firmly. The smack wasn't that bad but it caused me to readjust my sitting.
"Open your mouth sweetie"
"Why do you want me to.." I was cut off by him putting his two fingers in my mouth. I choked from the suddenness of it and was tempted to bite his fingers hard before he said
"Relax your mouth, it's ok"
I tried to relax myself but I wanted to speak. I didn't get a chance to ask anything, not about this ownership, not about how long I would stay here, nothing. I made an attempt to speak through his fingers, "I...hhheave..aa.." then I was cut off again by him pushing his fingers deeper now my mouth. Thank goodness I hadn't eaten anything in a while or else I would have been throwing up from this.
"Stop trying to talk and listen to me" he said "I want to see how far my fingers can go without you gagging. If i can place both of my fingers completely in your mouth without the gagging, then I'll let you out of these ropes, got it?
Before I could nod yes, he started slowly pushing his fingers in my mouth to which i gagged at.
Removing his fingers quickly, a bit of spit left my mouth as well as a cough
"Let's try this again" he said putting is fingers back in my mouth. I gagged again and he repeated the process of taking his fingers out quickly and then placing them back in. It was only at the 4th trial where I didn't gag for 5 seconds.
"Good job" he said with a smile. "Now let's take these off shall we"
He removed my leg restraints first and then my arm ones.
The freedom to move my limbs as I pleased was glorious. He then brought me off the wooden table and used a rag from his pocket to clean the spit off my face. Spit that I hadn't noticed until then. "Come" he said "Let me show you the rest."

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