Part 11: The Second Date

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Another day, another problem. Today's our first official interview since the Grammys and since that incident. The boys and I are currently sat in the waiting area of this radio station. I begin to panic. What if they ask about the fight? People have seen a video. What if they judge me? What if they ask about Billie? My leg bounces as my mind races. Grayson notices and places a hand on my knee, whispering "it'll be ok, me and river are here".

We get called into the radio studio and the boys sit either side of me. The radio host introduces herself, she's around 30. She seems sweet.

We get a 1 minute warning after our introductions and Grayson makes sure I'm ok again. I reassure him.

The song finishes and the host introduces us.

"You are listening to Non Stop Pop, and that song was reckless driving from the EP of the band we are join here with today; Blue Moon!"

"Hey" we all say in unison. "Thank you for having us" Grayson says

"So guys you had a massive win a few weeks ago how does it feel"she asks

"Honestly winning a Grammy was one of the best experiences ever. Getting recognised for all our hard work was what we needed." River replied

"The celebration after was definitely needed after a hard year too" I add

"And how are you dealing with the new fame"

"Instagram lives have been fun to do, interacting with all the new fans." River jokes

"Being 'famous' has always been weird for us growing up together and now the whole world can see us" I say as Grayson nods along

She talks a little about our EP before saying "So Blue Moon, any plans for new music"

"We can be glad to say that we are working on new music and we're gonna share more soon" Grayson replies

"Well media trained I see" she jokes "Now Y/N" she starts I know exactly what's coming. "You put out a very powerful message on Instagram, is there anything you can comment on it"

I quickly look at Grayson "Well there's not much I can say about the night, it's in the past but the message still stands"

"And is there anything you want to say about the girl you were protecting, a certain Billie Eilish" she looks directly at me

"Billie is a good friend, everyone deserves protecting" I start to panic.

"That's all we have time for, thank you for answering all of our questions. This is their Grammy winning single Call it what you want.

Once we're off air, the host says "thanks you so much for coming on, Y/N sorry if those questions made you uncomfortable we weren't briefed on anything" brilliant.

"It's ok thank you for having us" I say

Once we leave I debate on whether to call Billie or wait until tonight to tell her about the interview. Remembering that she told me this morning she was in the studio I decide to wait. Instead I call Sarah.

"Hey Y/N how are you? How was the radio?" she picks up

"You know I'm always grateful, but why did no one tell them to not talk about the fight. I thought that would've been clear" my anger getting the best of me

"Sorry y/n, I didn't even think. I'll brief all the future ones"

"Thank you, bye Sarah" hanging up I reunite with the boys and they both ask how I am. "I'm fine it was just a shock" I reply "but if you'll excuse me I have a date tonight"

As I walk away I hear a combination of oooos and kissy noises. "You are both children" I shout.

Getting home, I immediately change and run to the gym. Getting an arm workout in I stop to admire my muscles for a minute. I deserve it after putting in the work. Running back home, I get into the shower and stand in my closet staring at the clothes. I settle on blue straight jeans and a  flowy yet boxy brown button up. I text Billie I'm about to leave. I decide to take my cherry red vintage mustang I haven't driven it in a while. It's been my dream car since I was a kid and it's the first thing I bought with our first big payout. On my way to Billie house I stop and pick up a bunch of roses. I arrive at her house and text her. Getting out of my car, I lean against the bonnet with my roses. She exits her house instantly I smile at her baggy fit, that's my girl. She's carrying a wicker basket, wonder what's in it.

"And I thought romance was dead" she says taking the roses

"And I thought you were gonna call me cheesy" I reply

She puts a hand to her chest imitating being offended "I would never" as I lean off the car she says " Y/N seriously this car is beautiful what the fuck"

I smile "it's a dream, literally." I go round to the passanger side and open the door for her. She gets in an I take a picture, she smiles with the roses. "So Eilish where to now?"

"Let me type in the address" as she does that on my phone I see that it's on the coast. I begin to drive and we fall into comfortable silence.

"Today on the radio station they asked about you" I say breaking the silence

"Really what did they say" she asks

"The woman asked what happened and about you, I told her I didn't want to talk about it and that you were a friend" I say

"Just friends hm" she replies, which makes me think, what are we. Ive been wanting to make it official. I feel her looking at me for an answer, which makes me nervous

"I didn't know where we stood and when the media knows things it's a whole thing and-" she stops my rambling by placing a hand on my thigh.

"Y/N it's ok I understand, I was joking" she keeps her thigh there gently moving her thumb to calm me.

After driving for a while, the sat nav announces that we have arrived. She grabs her basket off the backseat and leads me down a path. After short walk leads us to a gorgeous beach with golden sand. She continues to walk along for a moment before stopping in a cove, pulling out a picnic blanket, champagne and an assortment of fruits.

"Billie this is adorable" I say sitting on the blanket knees to my chest. She sits next to me and pops open the champagne. We begin to talk about our days and other random topics.

"So tell me the most random fact about you Billie". I say after a while

"Well my full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell" she says

My jaw drops "So you've been letting me call you Eilish when your last name is O'Connell, and sorry your middle name is fucking pirate, you get cooler by the day. Starting to think you're out of my league"

She laughs "my parents are the cool ones not me"

"Speaking of parents, my mum called about the whole fight and she could instantly tell that I like you" I say turning my head to her, she's already smirking when I face her

"You like me? Wow that's news to me, couldn't tell" she jokes in a cocky tone

"Yeah I don't know what gave it away" I let out a small laugh. "Thank you for today I needed it. I love hanging out with Billie, I really do"

"Me too Y/N" she says looking back out at the waves

"Billie you're the most beautiful person I've ever met , you're talented, smart and funny. I know it's early but there really is no one else I'd rather spend my time with so... Will you be my girlfriend?"

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now