Part 13: The Party

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Friday comes around quick, it's Mia's birthday party tonight. River flew out his mum and her mum dad and older sister for Sunday. I allowed them all to stay in my house, so I'll be staying with Billie.

Currently, we are sat in Mia's favourite Mexican restaurant; Billie and I, Grayson and Emma and River and Mia. We all fall quickly into conversation about work, Emma tells us about her newest book coming out and Billie of course shares very little. The conversation shifts to the house party tonight as we dig into our food. Billie gets quiet as the other 4 chat confidently about plans we've had for weeks. I put my hand on her leg to calm her and look her smiling.

"Billie are you a big drinker" River says

"When turned 21 I went out loads and I don't drink as often now but I do love a party" she replies

"I hope you're ready for tonight, it's gonna be wild" Mia jokes.

We decide to give gifts now before our 'wild' night ahead. River passes his gift to Mia which is a weekend trip away to Bali in the summer. I am jealous. Grayson and Emma collectively got her a few designer items which she loved. I brought her the best gift of course which we will go collect in a few days; a kitten, that River gave permission for of course. When we thought it was over Billie placed a gift on the table, I didn't even see her bring it with us but that is so sweet.

"You didn't have to get me anything, thank you Billie" Mia says. She unwraps the neat gift to revel a vintage camera and film. That must have been expensive. "Wow Billie, this is incredible" she says stunned.

"It's ok, happy birthday" Billie smiled as mia came to give her a hug.

"You are perfect" I whisper to her kissing her on the head. She'll never cease to amaze me.

Wrapping up the dinner, we return to Billies house. Before the party, we decide to take shark to a beach. Jumping in her Jeep we drive for a while before landing on a small beach with one other person in sight. Shark bounces up and down on the sand as I grab Billie hand and we stroll down the beach. I glance around and spot the cover where I asked Billie to be my girlfriend, I turn and tell her my thoughts to which she smiles. Sharks runs over to us, so Billie decides to play with him in the sand. Handing me her phone I take a few pictures so she can post them. She looks adorable, I'm really falling for her.

She runs back over to me out of breath "I really don't know how you run for fun"

I chuckle "it's not fun, it's exercise". Finding a large rock I sit on it and instantly shark jumps next to me and practically licks my face off. Billie takes a photo of this attack and then sits next to me taking a photo of all of us. I pull my phone out checking the time, realising we need to get home so we can get to the party in time.

Walking in Billie takes shark to get clean because he was rolling in the sand while I shower. Just as I begin to wash my hair, I hear the shower door open. Turning around I see Billie, my mouth drops. I will never get over how beautiful this girl is.

"Hey baby" she says "thought we'd save water"

"Of course" I say laughing a little bringing her into my arms under the water kissing her.
"Turn around" I command. As she turns I gently tip her head to wet her hair and apply shampoo to her hair before washing it out. She does the same to me as I laugh at her having to stand on her tip toes to reach. The soft intimacy we're sharing makes me smile like an idiot at her.

She kisses me hastily, water beading off of us. I pull away before saying "I would love to don't get me wrong but if I start we won't be able to stop and I really want to be on time"

She laughs as a response and I get out handing her a towel before wrapping one around myself. She goes to get ready throwing on a tight black tee, baggy jeans blue jeans and a pair of small black sunglasses. I put on a pair of camo cargos and a black tshirt

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now