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♬ I'm not saying do it anyway but you're going to
And if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk, might as well be drunk in love♬

Natalie Beaufoy POV

I missed Lucas. Being with him every day for days made me enjoy my time with him even more than I already did. He is a precious kid who takes joy in the little things.

He likes watching the sunset with me, snuggling in bed while watching television, and dancing around and singing with me. He is a kid and I love that for him, I feel like he is finally living the life he always deserved, no kid should have to control their inner child because an adult who was supposed to protect him criticized him and traumatized him.

He was so little but too smart for his own good. He is amazing at reading and math; he is a genius. And I don't say that because he is my son; I say it because it's true. I smile as I stop my duties for a sip of water, and I see him carefully enjoying his dad's car; he is enamored; he barely notices the person who almost bumped into him.

"Keep away from the car, kid," the man orders, and I instantly walk to the car since Lorenzo and Charles are chatting with Mattia.

"You should follow your damn advice," I throw the words at him violently as I take Lucas' hand, and he scaredly looks up at me.

"No kid should be that close to a Formula 1 car," he bites back, and I laugh.

"And who the fuck are you?" I ask angrily.

"I'm a fan who should be treated better when I pay such a high price," he says in such a condescending tone that I could only laugh.

"Yeah. Sure. Fuck off then," I say and the man is completely astonished.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" He asks as he takes a step closer.

"Who do you think you are to talk to a kid like that? Let me answer that for you, you are an arrogant little man who feels superior because he supposedly has money. Guess what? He is Charles Leclerc's son, and he has sat in that car, so mind your own business and leave the garage before I ask security to come and cause a commotion," I warn him sternly, and he smirks.

"You are nobody to kick me out, I paid. You might be fired, little girl," he threatens, and I smirk back.

"Try it then, big man," I say ironically.

"What's happening here?" I hear Charles' voice, and a serious expression replaces his usual smile.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to misbehave," Lucas says anxiously, and I shake my head as I look at him.

"This asshole ordered Lucas to be away from the car; he wasn't even touching it," I defend him as Charles picks him up.

"He can be wherever he wants to be; you should mind your own business. If no one was stopping him, then who are you to stop my kid from doing whatever he wants?" Charles is angry as he sees Lucas's nervousness, and I am more than angry.

"I paid very well; I won't be humiliated for telling a kid to back off; he shouldn't even be in the damn garage if he is so damn sensitive," he complains, and I roll my eyes.

"We will reimburse you for your ticket; we would appreciate it if you leave at your own free will or security can escort you out," Mattia says calmly, and I am honestly surprised.

"This is just ridiculous," he mutters as he walks out, and I kiss Lucas's cheek.

"You can be anywhere you want. You know that, right?" I ask him, and he nods with a shy smile.

"Could you stay with him? We have a meeting," Mattia asks, and I nod.

"Thank you," Charles whispers before kissing Lucas' forehead. "That man was wrong; you did great. If you have any questions about the car, ask around; they will be happy to help you."

Lucas sure did so, and every engineer proudly answered his questions, and I watched from afar. It was like that incident had disappeared, and that's all I wanted. I went back to work, and when the day ended, I went into Charles' room.

"Sorry about that," I say as I close the door and he turns around, still shirtless.

"About what?" He asks confusedly.

"Being rude, I felt genuinely attacked then and went into defense mode. I should've controlled it a bit better." I don't regret what I did; maybe I shouldn't have sworn in front of Lucas, but he is used to it now. They come out of my mouth naturally at this point in life.

"Did you see the look on his face? I was too distracted, and if nobody stood out for him, he would've gone back to his old ways. I won't let you apologize for defending him like he deserves to be defended. Throw a punch if you ever need to, I got your back," he says as he puts his shirt on and I am honestly disappointed he did it.

"Thank god! I really didn't mean any of it," I am relieved and he laughs.

"That's what I thought, call me next time. I will defend both of you," he says as he walks closer, and my heart starts racing before he leans down and kisses me; the kiss is slower than usual. It was calm and relaxing.

"Missed me much?" I ask jokingly and he nods as he took his jacket from the chair.

"Sure did. Missed me too, or only Lucas?" He asks as he opens the door. I laugh.

"I missed you both," I say as I walk ahead of him to the downstairs floor where Lucas would be with Arthur.

"You only called Lucas, though," he argues, and I chuckle.

"I am not spending a single day without wishing him good night, fuck that," I say calmly as I finish the steps, and I walk slowly to scare Lucas, who was distracted on the couch. I touched his shoulder and he jumped up scaredly before giggling.

"You scared me!" He says before I open my arms to pick him up. The little guy is getting heavier.

"I know, that was the point. Time to get dinner?" I ask and he nods excitedly.

I think he completely forgot about the rude guy at the garage. He was quiet, as expected, but he listened to our talks and enjoyed the meal in general, even when Arthur tried to take away his dessert. I was having fun even while getting back to the room while holding Lucas's hand while his other hand was with his father. This is a life I could easily get used to.

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