Just Go With It

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Enjoy, and don't forget to leave a comment cuz as I say, comments make the wattpad world go round!

I'll post the next chapter tomorrow if this one gets enough love

Chapter 11: Just Go With It

"Open it."

I rolled my eyes over the rim of a mug of coffee, sipping at the bitter liquid and hoping it would bring some life back to me. Taran had left me boneless and dazed. Or maybe that was the blood loss. I couldn't tell anymore.

"Go oooon," Laura pleaded, hands clasped together over her toast. "It's killing me."

"He said to wait for him."

Which meant this was a test, one I didn't want to fail so soon into our new, what to call it, relationship hardly felt right.

The innocent black box that had been waiting for me on the kitchen table might as well have had 'Open me!' stamped onto the lid. It sat there, in between my friend and I both eyeing it greedily, just waiting for me to take a peek.

It was tempting.

"What do you think it is?" I asked.

Laura shrugged, but there was a quirk to her lips and a shift to her gaze that told me she at least had a hunch. I just couldn't tell whether she believed this hunch was a bad thing or not. She certainly refused to touch the box like it might bite. Even I hadn't so much as dared touch it, but the curiosity. . .

"Well, it can't be anything nefarious, can it? It's barely the size of a shoe box."
And it was square, more an oversized ringbox than anything else.

Grey eyes glimmered with mirth, and Laura snorted, reaching across the table to pat my hand. "Oh, sweet summer child, there's no way in hell whatever's in this box is innocent; not if it's from Taran. Which makes me think you're holding out on me. . ." She studied me carefully. "I knew you didn't look like you'd been dragged through a hedge backwards just because of the attack. You had sex, didn't you? Oh my gosh, you did! With Taran? So then you know very well what could be rattling around in this box. And you sat and judged me for my tastes!"

She cackled as she drummed her nails in the air over the lid. My face burned so hot, I could feel the warmth spreading across my chest.

"I never judged you," I grumbled, not bothering to point out I could only hazard a guess at what exactly her tastes were, and that Taran and I hadn't really gone all the way.

The reminder of my escapades made my bruised ass ache, and I shifted uselessly on the chair. No sitting position was going to be comfortable today, but asking for a cushion when Taran had me sit on the hard wooden chair at the table would have given him too much satisfaction. More than he already took when I barely managed to swallow a hiss of pain.

He said he'd been going to report my attack, and as I was certain he didn't mean to the police - unless he was going to leave out the vampire aspect of the assault - it left me wondering about how exactly the vampire world coexisted with my own. Was there a secret division of law enforcement for supernaturals? The image of Draculaesque vampires in high-vis jackets stamped with Poileas nearly made me choke on my breakfast.

"Maybe it's a butt plug."

"Christ, Laura." Unwilling to hear more of her guesses, and maybe slightly terrified one might be right, I moved my plate of toast aside and dragged the box in front of me.

My friend grinned and leaned over the table, more excited than the nerves I felt fluttering in my stomach, as if I might open the box to find a dead mouse.

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