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An Toiseach - an tosh-ok

Sexual Content Warning

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Chapter 13: Greedy

The woman staring back at me looked confident. Sultry. Dark aquamarine eyes popped thanks to the brown eyeshadow Laura had expertly applied, she'd curled and used mascara on my lashes, argued when I refused eyeliner, and settled when I agreed to the thin line she'd drawn just as the edge; such a simple addition that somehow made my eyelashes look even longer. My hair I'd left in its natural loose wave, and as Laura had been summoned by Mac not too long ago, I was left to toy with dark matte red lipstick in one hand and nude gloss in the other.

It felt silly to be debating on a shade of lippy when I was certain this meeting was a matter of life and death.

The click of Taran's door made me jump as it opened, I didn't need the reflection of him in the mirror to know it was the man himself who walked in, stopping in his tracks when he saw me. There was no mistaking the way my body reacted to his gaze. Midnight eyes raked from the nude flats I wore, up bare legs to the floaty white skirt of my favourite summer dress, over the milkmaid style bodice that revealed the swell of my breasts, before travelling up to my face. My skin burned with the awareness of his study.

I decided my lippy straight away, tearing my gaze away to paint my lips the same colour as the red of his tie.

Whether he approved or not of my choice of outfit and makeup, I couldn't tell. After his appraisal, he simply grunted and walked to the bed to pick up the box I'd left there. I watched his reflection flip open the lid to pull out the collar, dangling it on a finger with a smirk as he slowly approached.

"White? What's this all about?" he asked, tracing the edge of the bodice at my back.

"If you don't like it-"

"I never said that. Don't change."

My lips twitched. "I was going to say, if you don't like it, I don't care cuz I'm not changing."

A light spank to my ass made me squeak.

"Careful, that almost sounds like cheek. Besides, I happen to like the dress. There's just one addition I would make," he said, scooping my hair away from my face. "Hold it up for me."

My hand replaced his, holding my hair up and out the way so he could place the collar around my neck. The leather was hard and unforgiving, heavier than I thought it would be. The metal O ring dangled from the front to sit in the hollow of my throat, and I was glad of how cool it felt when my skin flushed hot as I imagined just why the ring was there. It bit into my skin while Taran dutifully buckled it in place, running a finger beneath the leather once done to make sure it wasn't too tight. Just tight enough I wouldn't forget it was there.

I thought it would look silly, especially in the dress I'd chosen, but it looked oddly right as I studied my reflection, fingers tracing the blackbird embossed leather and then Taran's initial.

"I guess I have my answer," Taran mused, watching me.

I froze. Right. This wasn't the reaction I should have had at seeing the collar for the first time.

"Laura made me," I excused quickly.
Taran growled, pulling my back flush against his chest. His fingers traced along the collar, so careful not to touch skin that I found myself leaning to gain even just a brush of his fingertip against my throat.

"Naughty, mouse. I'll have to talk to Mac about just how to punish you both. . .but you've taken to wearing it so well, and you look so delicious, that I might let this one infraction go."

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