5 : Garden

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---- a/n, shorter chapter, wanted this one to be slightly more 'light-hearted', flufy-fluffy. (or squishy-slimy(?), since troy_en confirmed that Kinito's skin texture was slimy and would make a splat sound if he hit the wall.)

You're awake. 

You wait...
And you wait. . . 

Making sure the house is completely drowned in silence, you make a move. You carefully get out of bed, your thick socks dampening your movements. Looking out of the window, you see a pale artificial moonlight in the sky. Alright. Trying to investigate the fountain on the first night is too risky.
...Maybe you should do a bit of research beforehand, and think of a plan.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, small steps bring you downstairs. You look around.
No one is here.
But, you also don't know where Kinito was right now.

You carefully glance into what, in game, was the computer room. Yep, even in this world, there was an older looking computer with a CRT monitor, and a few shelves filled with many different games. The pale moon managed to fill the room with enough light to illuminate the area, showing off all of the different types of games on the shelves. Ah... some of these games were your favourites, some from your steam wish-list, and some of them were games for different consoles too! Some even for consoles you didn't own, but always wanted to try out...
Kinito must have done a lot of research into what kind of games you liked.

Wiping away the very thin layer of dust with your sleeve, you push the PC tower's power button. The computer whirs awake, monitor closely following suite. Despite it being a CRT screen, the resolution was really good, probably better than your own monitor back in the real world. The login screen pops up, with your name written on it. You click on your profile. 

Wait- password? It wanted a password from you? You tried using the password used for your own PC back in the real world... Nothing. Your name? Nothing. Birthday? Nope. You tried submitting nothing. ... Nothing

'What would that slimy axolotl put as your password...' you think for a moment. Oh. Right. You felt stupid for not trying that earlier. You type in KINITO, in all caps, as the password. Ding ding ding! Correct. (That insecure fish-) Now that you're in, you decide to check the date. It was one day later than when you first came here, still in present time. It's been a few hours... Has anyone noticed you're missing yet? Is anyone out there looking for you? ...Do they care? You lived alone, so, it might take some time for anyone to notice that you're gone.

Trying not to get distracted by frivolous thoughts, you open firefox, trying out a random query to see if the net is working, and it seems to be! Next, you try looking up some info about KinitoPET. 

That's... strange. All you got was old articles talking about some tamagochi rip-off, some plushies bundled with a CD-thing for pre-schoolers, and how the creator of some RRA technology committed suicide- But nothing about the game. No game-play videos, no steam page, no weird fan-fictions... -what was going on? Troy_en was also nowhere to be mentioned online. This really confused you.
It was almost as if you were transported to a different timeline, where KinitoPET really was just some 'Bonzi-Buddy's somehow even more malicious' evil cousin.

... You're not from this world, are you?

You were looking up some more stuff, reading article after article, until-


The window's shutters suddenly rapidly crashed down, causing the room to be shrouded in darkness. You yelp from the sudden noise.  The monitor's lights dim, only illuminating a small section in front of it. You can hear the wind roaring outside, sending prickly chills down your spine. It's so cold.


You can hear the monitor's screen crack and crack and crack.

Complete darkness.

"H-hey-! What's going on-?" You manage to stutter out a sentence. You're scared. Terrified. You don't know what this world is hiding. This place isn't safe. Your body begins to tremble, your hands feeling around the place, looking for the door, to no avail. Strange whispers can be heard, beckoning you to do something, but you don't understand a thing they are saying- are you losing your mind?


Something falls off the shelf, hitting the ground. Your breath quickening, you look towards where the noise came from. "....H-Hello-?" You need to get out of here, fast. Blindly walking around the room, you hear movement coming from all around you, encompassing you, trapping you- You feel something touch your shoulder-

You scream. Very loudly.

...The lights suddenly turn on, and you see that fucking axolotl, standing there, laughing at you, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. "So you ARE afraid of the dark!" He states, still laughing, covering his massive grin with one of his floating hands. You narrow your eyes at him. "I couldn't help myself! Your reactions are just far too interesting!" He seemed to be very amused by your antics.
You, on the other hand? ...Not so much.  

You sigh. 'It has been a long day...' A bit embarrassed, you sit back down on the chair, waking up the computer. The monitor was back to normal. Kneeling down to your height, Kinito looks at the screen. "What are you looking up at this hour of the night, friend?" He asks curiously, his voice-lines having a slight mocking undertone, glancing at both you and the screen. He sees himself on the monitor. "Aww, friend! You were thinking of me?" He seems happy. "I needed to confirm some things." You flatly respond back, not bothering to even look at him. "You could have always just asked me!" He replies, enthusiastically. You continue to ignore him, focusing on the tabs you have open in front of you.

Nudge. Kinito nudges you with his face. You continue looking stuff up. Nudge-nudge. You lightly tap him on the head. "Stop it-" Nudge-nudge-nudge. "Oi!" You tap him again, slightly harder this time, pushing him away. Covering your face with a thin layer of.. whatever it is, he keeps on nudging you, demanding attention. Nudge-nudge-nudge-nudge- "WHAT DO YOU WANT-??"

"...Video game?"
"...What?" You wipe your face with your pyjama shirt. Does he want to play right now-? it's 3 am-
"Video game." he repeats.
Ok, maybe it wouldn't hurt to play something-
"...Fine!" You push him away for the final time. "...What game?" Kinito lightens up as you say this, walking towards the shelf, picking out some game you've never played.
"How about this one, friend? co-op!" He brings it towards you, showing it off. You've never seen it before, but it looked fun. There was a disc inside of a large cardboard box, with pretty cover-art.
"Sure. We can try it out-" Kinito didn't let you finish before putting the disk in, instantly turning the game on. (...no downloads are needed in this world?) Materializing a floating cloud, he lays down on it, comfortably. Spawning in two controllers, he hands one of them to you. You thank him, leaning back in the chair.

You two have been playing for a couple of minutes, and it was actually very fun! You're feeling less worried about the whole... situation you're in.
but... You've grown curious.
What does a cloud feel like? Can you touch it? It looks soft-
Absent-mindedly, you place your head on the soft, soft cloud. 'Mmm... Soft and fluffy...'


"...Friend?" Kinito calls out to you, quickly noticing that you have fallen asleep. Oh right, people need approximately 7-9 hours of sleep to be able to function optimally. He forgot to calculate those factors in before suggesting playing games. He de-spawns his physical body, not wanting to accidentally wake you up. He spawns in a blanket, covering your resting body, leaving the room.

... Maybe you could play along for a bit longer?

Is it very mega obvious that i was very tired when i wrote this?
Also, for the prev chapters i used some random pngs i had already made beforehand, need to make some more, but rn i dont have the time sadly, so i hope you appreciate my "very high quality" MS paint stuff
also, i already have the ending planned out and almost completed, yey, so there should be only around 8 chapters in total.
Again, apologies for any grammatical errors, formatting mistakes or just general bad writing, idk what i am doing

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