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"Just what is going on here?" Jen entered the room like she owned the place. "Who said you could have a boy over unsupervised with the door closed?" She made her way to the end of the bed with her arms crossed.

Jake flew up and stood next to the bed while I embarrassingly almost fell off on the other side.

"What?" I blank.

"Your father will be hearing about this the second he gets home. This is wildly inappropriate for a girl your age." She carried on.

What is she talking about? I'm 18? A legal adult according to the government.

"And just how old are you Jacob Black?" She gestured between the two of us. "Because I think she's a little too young for you."

"Ms. Fuller..." he put his hands up. "I'm 20. She's 18. That's hardly inappropriate like you're implying." He calmly explains. How can he be calm right now? My heart was racing and no longer in a good way.

"And you," she turned towards me. "This behavior is unacceptable. This is how young girls like you get labeled as sluts and easy. You want everyone on this reservation to think you're easy? Because I've seen some of the outfits you parade yourself around in and it's not the message you should be sending."

What the actual hell was going on right now?!

"Hey." Jake changed his tone completely and stood up even taller if that was possible, taking up as much space as he could. "She has been nothing but polite. Don't talk to her as if she's trash to you."

"Excuse me?!" Jen whipped towards him.

"You heard me." He doubled down. Why was that kind of attractive?

"You best believe your father will be hearing from me too." She glared at him.

"Okay?" He raised an eyebrow like he didn't have a care in the world. Wish I could say the same.

"Ma," someone said quietly in the hall and we all turned to look at Brady leaning up against the door frame. Jen didn't seem to care because within seconds her eyes were back on me.

"I think it's best you tell your bed buddy it's time to go." Is she crazy? Does she live on planet earth? How was I supposed to respond to that?

My face was on fire from embarrassment. I looked to Jake and opened my mouth but nothing came out. No wonder he hasn't made a move before now. I was surrounded by crazy people. I wouldn't want to be around me either.

And while I had no doubt she would tell my dad everything, I genuinely hoped he sided with me. Because this was some looney town behavior. No wonder Brady was the way he was if this is how he was raised. Now I felt bad for him.

"Mom!" Brady said a bit louder and stepped into the room.

Jake let out a humorless chuckle that was almost menacing. He stepped around the bed and grabbed me by the back of the neck pulling me towards him. I felt his lips on my forehead before he ducked his head down a bit. "I'll call you later." He whispered before standing up and striding out of the room like he owned the place.

Jen was fuming. She glared at him as he strode past before turning back towards me. What she didn't notice was Jake grabbing Brady by the collar of his shirt and practically throwing him down the hallway and out of sight.

"Very disappointing, Natasha. You were raised better than this." She glared one final time before also leaving the room.

I blinked a few times and tried to get my bearings straight. I went from almost having what was probably going to be the best day of my life to the most mortifying.

Odd One Out | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now