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„He is just happy to finally talk in Japanese with someone."


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After qualifying, where Oscar placed a beautiful eighth, he and Lily headed to the hotel, intending to wait there for Oscar. They didn't want to wait until he finished all his duties, which included interviews and maybe even a special video for McLaren.

Mira could have gone to her room and tried to get back to songwriting, but despite that, she sat on a chair in Oscar and Lily's room, waiting with the blonde. She didn't say anything because what she wanted to say was for both of them, and she didn't want to repeat herself.

"How's the album going?" Lily asked, starting to feel uncomfortable with the complete silence between them.

"I expected better because I've always been able to write songs quickly or just used songs I wrote when I was still in school, but suddenly it's not working," Mira sighed. "I'm trying, really trying to come up with something, but I can't think of anything. It's like my talent said hello and flew far away."

"Don't push yourself too hard," Lily smiled. "Maybe I don't know what all the work around the album entails, but one thing I know for sure is that I've never seen you so stressed about an album."

"I want this album to be perfect, but it won't be if I can't come up with a stupid song," she explained. "I already have six, but I would like to have at least twelve as compensation for a year of waiting."

"So take a break," the blonde told her. "Don't push yourself. You're in Bahrain for Formula 1, so try not to think about the album and just have fun. Maybe something will inspire you, and the song will come to you on its own."

"It doesn't work like that," Mira chuckled lightly, seeing how naive Lily was. The girl thought writing a song was easy, but she didn't realize the work behind it. Even if she came up with an idea of what song she wanted, she still had to come up with lyrics and then with music. It definitely wasn't as easy as everyone thought.

"I don't care how it works," Lily smiled. "You're the talented one here; I just want you to take a break and have fun."

"I agree with Lily, you've been so tense lately," came a voice from the door. The girls turned to see the person, who was none other than the other inhabitant of this room.

Oscar Piastri.

"Sweetheart," Lily squealed, jumping out of bed at lightning speed and literally jumping into Oscar's arms. He just laughed and gave the girl a kiss on the head. Mira preferred to look at the wall to her right, which was more interesting than the lovey-dovey couple who liked to express their love in front of her.

"Did you enjoy your day?" Oscar asked the Asian girl as he sat on the bed, with Lily right next to him.

"Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if you hadn't left me after the first twenty minutes we were together," Mira scolded them, crossing her arms over her chest.

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