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"Fans will be confused about what a Formula One driver is doing in the credits of a song."


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"Yuki?" the girl exclaimed excitedly and a little surprised, before ensnaring the boy, who stood behind the door with a suitcase at his feet, in a tight embrace. He just chuckled and immediately returned the hug. He expected various reactions, but certainly not this.

They hadn't known each other for long, but despite that, the girl had somehow grown on him. It was probably because she was also Japanese, and he simply missed his home country. Mira brought a touch of Japan into his life, which he had needed lately.

"Hello," he said amidst laughter. To which the girl began bouncing in his embrace, so he had no choice but to start bouncing too, or else they would both fall to the ground.

Mira often tried to look extremely serious, especially during performances. But it didn't work for her because she always looked rather cute. Mira and seriousness just didn't go together - they were two completely opposite words. Mira was a cheerful girl who could bring joy to everyone around her. That's who she was.

"What are you doing here?" the girl asked him, pulling away from him and finally examining him properly. He was wearing denim shorts and a dark blue hoodie on top. His hair was styled, yet at the same time, it looked like he didn't even try to style it - this style suited him the most.

"I came to surprise you, which, judging by the look of it, succeeded," he chuckled and entered inside after the girl stepped away from the door, inviting him in.

"Well, you certainly surprised me," the girl still couldn't believe he had come for her. They had only met five days ago and had talked together for a few hours, but that certainly didn't mean they would travel to see each other.

She knew Yuki lived in Italy; he had moved there from England to change his racing style - she had learned all this from Oscar and Lily. However, she had no idea he would come to Rome for her. They thought he would have to train because that's what they did. They constantly trained to be the best.

"Oscar told me where you live," Yuki told her, first explaining to her how he even got to her. "But I persuaded him for a long time, so please don't hold it against him."

Mira could never get angry at Oscar. Especially not for this surprise - if these surprises were such, let him spread her address to the world. But this time, she was sure Oscar wasn't to blame for anything - it was definitely Lily who persuaded Oscar to give Yuki the address.

"Nothing will happen to him, don't worry," the girl laughed and sat on the couch where she had been sitting a few minutes ago when she was talking to Lily and Oscar - who knew about this and didn't say a word. They didn't even hint at it.

Mira couldn't believe Lily managed to keep such a secret. Oscar was known for keeping secrets too; she often confided in him, but Lily? She was a gossip who told everyone everything - she never realized it, but that didn't change the fact that she said it.

SMALL BEAN // F1 YUKI TSUNODAWhere stories live. Discover now