Arc 2. Chapter 4. The Ice Queen

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Ayanokoji Pov:

Today, something different happened.
I woke up without any nightmares.

That's a little better.

I got up and started making some food for Eiichiro, me and our pokemons.

I looked back to the couch to see Eiichiro was still sleeping.

I struck him on the head to wake him up.

"Ah!" He yelled out.

"Wake up. Dummy. We are gonna train soon."

I told him as I walked away.

"Damn it..." He muttered.

I put the food on the table, and took out my pokemons.

The newcomers, Squirtle, Pikachu and Trapinch got along well with the other three.

Squirtle was a mischievous little thing that always made problems. This pissed Beldum off, but Drilbur liked that part of him. He is probably the naughty nature.

Pikachu is a scared little child, he was nervous when first meeting with Garchomp as he was quite scary, but eventually he opened up. He is probably a timid nature.

Trapinch is an energetic, clumsy fellow.
He immediately became the favorite of Beldum, who enjoyed such company. He is nice to almost everyone. He randomly bites my head though. Probably a jolly nature.

Finally, Eiichiro and his pokemons joined me.

"Leave some pokemon food, alright? I have to give some." I told him.

"Eh? Alright. But who?" He asked.

"Just some other Squirtles. They were pretty hungry. I thought they weren't getting enough food, so I decided to go and give them some."
I replied.

He smiled brightly.

"You really have grown. Before coming to ANHS, you were a god damn shut in! Now you are going out of your way to give pokemons food!"
He exclaimed.

I sighed.

I really have grown, haven't I? I guess I owe that to Eiichiro and Tsubasa.

My mouth started curving upwards.

"No way!"

Eiichiro's yelling put me back to my poker face.

He gave me a frustrated look.

"Alright, time to go. Come on."

We went to the cave where I fought the squirtles. They were there waiting for me.

I sent out my squirtle to play with them. They hugged each other the first chance they got.

I took out the food I prepared for them and gave it.

They all ate it really fast.

I decided to give them some more berries while I am at it.

Eiichiro sighed.

"Do they not give these Squirtles food? I thought the Safari should have food for some squirtles..." He exclaimed.

"Ah, you see. The squirtles aren't the Safari's pokemons."
Professor Oak came out of nowhere and stated.

"Professor Oak!?!"
Eiichiro yelled out.

"What do you mean?"
I asked the old man.

"You see. Some trainers from past years released them here. We tried giving them food, but they were too stubborn and simply stole food. Eventually we upgraded the security last week, and they have been hungry for a while now."
He answered.

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