Chapter 6: Training!

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I trained myself harder and harder. I couldn't stop.

I had to get stronger to protect the village, Mom and Dad, Shisui and Itachi, and everyone else.

Sasuke had been born. Only 2 months more before my brother would be born. To protect them I had to get stronger.

I know Naruto would be protected by his plot armor but still. If I could prevent him from being hurt emotionally...

I had ensured that Fugaku was a part of the selection for the next Hokage. Hopefully, that would help prevent the massacre of the Uchiha clan...

"Itachi. If a man ever says his name is Danzo, run away."

My gaze hardened at him.

He could tell it was serious, after all, I was rarely ever serious.

He nodded.

"Do not listen to a word he says. And prevent Shisui from ever going near him."

Itachi nodded. He didn't understand why she was saying this but he trusted her enough to know she had a reason.


"No! You can't go to that location!"

My lip was bleeding as tears fell down my cheeks. My parents and the midwives were explaining to me that they had to go to a secret location for the birth of my brother.

I knew that he knew. He knew. And I couldn't allow my parents to die.

"Yukari, what's wrong?"

My father looked at me gently and I just broke down.

"Someone knows that you're going there- you can't go there!"

Mom and Dad seemed quite surprised but they smiled softly.

"I guess that you're worried about us, but no one else knows about this besides us."

"NO! They know! And they'll... they'll hurt you!"

My parents' eyebrows furrowed as they looked at each other and my father pet me.

"It's okay, I won't allow anything to happen to your mother. Your father is strong!"


They didn't believe me.

They thought it was a child's imagination.

I bit my lip harder and looked up at them, glaring at them.

Should I just tell them?

No, I can't. They'd ask so many questions.

I just shut myself up.

I let myself in my room and went to my window, I got on my knees and prayed. I prayed hard. I prayed for the first time in my life, both combined.


I never neglected my studies.

I studied and trained so much that I came home all battered and bloodied. my parents got worried, but I just told them I was determined to get stronger to protect them.

At this point, I could control chakra like it was an extension of my own body. I wasn't in the academy so I couldn't use it in any way but If I ever needed to use it I was somewhat experienced?

Shisui tried to teach me about the body flicker technique but... it's just way too hard to understand. He's not that great of a teacher.

"You just go shwoomp and run really quickly!"

"... that doesn't help at all, Shisui."

I could tell he couldn't get the words I said last time out of his mind. He seemed to be off in his own world sometimes.

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