Sick - S.J

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"Okay you two, make sure you BEHAVE and I'm talking to you as well y/n" Scarlett said sternly directing the sentiment at her daughter Rose and her girlfriend y/n. They had been dating for about a year now and it was safe to say they were head over heels for each other and it warmed Scarlett's heart even more that Rose loved y/n as well.

"Yes yes, okay mum" Y/n says cheekily toward Scarlett as she wrestles gently with Rose. Scarlett gave her a pointed look that only made y/n laugh.

"Okay, well I'm off now so be good. Are you sure you're okay to do this y/n?" Scarlett asked with a bit of concern as she had noticed her girlfriend was looking a bit pale and tired. Not that y/n would ever admit she was ill as she was extremely stubborn at times.

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine" Y/n responded knowing what Scar was referring to. In truth, she wasn't fine, she was definitely feeling rough but didn't want to let Scar or Rose down as she knew how much pressure her girlfriend was under with her filming.

"Okay. I love you both and call me if you need me." She gave one last kiss to y/n as she was practically pushed out the door.


After Scarlett finally left I turned to Rose who had a mischievous look in her eye so I knew she wanted to play or do something. I sighed internally knowing today was going to be long and being ill definitely isn't going to help.

After an hour of playing in the garden, my head was pounding and my body was in so much pain. I excuse myself and tell Rose I'm just going to the bathroom. She smiles and continues to play with Luna, my black Labrador that was now Roses best friend.

I shakily made my way to the bathroom steadying myself by holding onto the sink and putting my head down. I took a deep breath trying to steady myself and stop the world from spinning. I tried to reach for my phone but it slipped from my hand just before I black out.

3rd person POV

Y/n passed out, hitting her head on the corner of the sink as she collapsed onto the bathroom floor.

Rose stopped playing with Luna as she began to get hungry. She wandered into the house looking for y/n but couldn't find her. She began to search the house freezing when she looked in her mums bedroom and saw y/n on the floor with blood around her head. Rose began to panic not knowing what to do. She took a deep breath trying to remember what her mum taught her to do in this kind of situation. She spotted y/n's phone on the floor and picked it up using her fingerprint to unlock it. She then proceeded to call her mum.

"Hey y/n/n is everything okay?" Scarlett answered quickly thinking it was her girlfriend calling.

"Mommy..." Rose whispered out

Scarlett instantly grew concerned, moving away from the group of people she was standing with as she began to panic that it was Rose on the other end of the phone.

"Hey baby, what's going on? Are you okay?" Scarlett tried to speak as calmly as possible in order not to worry her daughter even more.

"It's y/n she s-she..." Rose trailed off beginning to get more upset

"Okay baby, you're okay. Tell me what's happened. Where is y/n?" Scarlett was growing more concerned as she began to pace back and forth. This caught the attention of those she was previously talking with and they too began to get worried.

"S-she's on the floor a-and she's not waking up" Rose stuttered out.

Scarletts heart dropped and she began to run toward her trailer so she could get changed and get home to her scared daughter and her obviously unwell girlfriend.

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