Crash landing - Yelena

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a/n - Bit random this one but enjoy. As always, my DMs are opened if you want to chat or make a request. Have a lovely day you lovely people!

The Avengers were gathered in the lounge hanging out. They all had drinks in hand, bickering about stupid things. Nat, Yelena, Wanda and Maria switch to having their own conversation, getting bored of the men.

A loud smash startled the Avengers as glass went flying everywhere as a person crashed through the sun window that was in the roof. They landed with a thud on their side facing away from the avengers.

The superheroes sprung to their feet. Nat, Clint, Yelena and Clint all drawing guns. Wanda readied her magic while Tony equipped his suit. Bruce stepped behind Steve and his shield, not quite sure if it was a code green yet.

All attention and weapons were fixed on the mystery person who'd just smashed through the roof. The person groaned in pain as they pushed themselves to their knees. They cussed under their breath audible enough for the Avengers to hear. Some found amusement at the profanities that were tumbling out of this stranger's mouth.

The mystery person turned around slowly, sensing eyes on them. They were surprised when they were faced with enough weapons to take out a small army. They instantly raised their arms which was rather painful considering the amount of glass that was stuck in their skin.

"Hi" the mystery person said with a sheepish smile on their face.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Tony yelled at them as he took a step forward, his arm extended, blaster charged.

"y/n" Yelena spoke quietly but loud enough that everyone heard.

The Avengers shared confused looks not knowing if it was a good or bad thing that Yelena knew them.

Yelena seemed to break out of a shocked trance and rushed toward y/n, holstering her weapon as she moved. She crouched down carefully and took y/n's face in her hands tilting her head to each side checking for injuries. "Are you okay moya lyubov? What happened?" Yelena asked concerned.

"Ummmmm long story" y/n responded sheepishly, glancing behind Yelena feeling awkward with all the eyes on them.

Yelena picked up on this and turned to the others. "Nat help me take her to my room and the rest of you can drop your weapons" she sternly instructed the others. Nat was slightly taken aback by the seriousness of her sister so she did as she was told. Everyone dropped their various weapons and Nat walked over taking your left arm as Yelena had your right, trying to avoid all the glass that was in y/n's skin.

"What about my roof?" Tony yelled after the three of them.

"Figure it out tin man" Nat quipped back at him.

Once they had carefully laid y/n on Yelena's bed, Nat hovered unsure of what was happening. Her protectiveness of her sister took over and she lingered in Yelena's room. Yelena saw Nat was still there so she went up to her and physically pushed her out telling her she would explain later. Before Nat could protest her sister shut the door in her face.

Yelena turned to y/n, her secret girlfriend of over a year now. She looked her up and down, biting her lip in concern. "Come here. I'm okay" y/n spoke softly in an attempt to reassure her girlfriend. Y/n then winced in pain, disproving her own statement. Yelena walked into her bathroom and retrieved a first aid kit. She sat next to her girlfriend and began to gently remove all the glass that littered y/n's right arm and leg.

"Sorry detka" Yelena apologised as y/n groaned in pain for about the 50th time. "What happened darling?" Yelena spoke softly.

"Fancied doing a dive through a roof. I reckon full marks if I'd stuck the landing a bit better." y/n tried to lighten the mood. Yelena gave her an unamused look and returned to patching up her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry my love" y/n apologised.

Yelena finished up in silence, tidied everything away and sat beside y/n. "It's okay, I was just worried" Yelena spoke quietly still not particularly liking people seeing her vulnerable but it was different with y/n.

"I know. I'm okay. I love you" y/n spoke, taking hold of Yelena's hand.

"I love you too idiot" Yelena spoke lovingly.

"Can I have a hug now?" Y/n pouted

Yelena giggled and cuddled close to her girlfriend. They fell asleep content in each other's embrace. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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