Made For Each Other (Marinette)

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"You know as much as I do, Pine is better than Pratt!"

"But neither beat Hemsworth!"

"What started this conversation again?" Marinette looked quizzically between Alya and Anthony, before grabbing a hand of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth.

After the date - which wouldn't be out of place on an episode of Punk'd - Marinette had called in her besties (well, two out of the three) to come and help her forget her mortification. Would it be unethical to give up the Miracle Box just to gain amnesia and forget about tonight?

"Just look at his butt, Marinette! No one can come close to that," Anthony said, dramatically pointing at the screen. Oh yes! When you've had a bad date, nothing beats the scene in Thor: Love and Thunder when Thor's clothes get ripped off – and reveal something that isn't exactly Chris Hemsworth. Cue the drool!

"If that actually is his butt!" Her hands shot up to cover her mouth, Alya not missing a beat to jump on what she'd just said.

"Hold up!" She snorted. "Are you telling me that butt is our very own Buttercup?"

With her hands remaining over her mouth, Marinette shook her head aggressively side to side. She watched Anthony pause the screen and then stand up, walking towards it and tilting his head to the side. "That's Adrien's butt? How did I not know! I look at it enough."

Yep, she was going to relinquish the box and forget about this day. Could it actually get any worse?

When Adrien had started venturing into movies, he'd won himself a lot of roles thanks to certain parts of his body. Yes, Adrien Agreste had become a body double — a butt double, to be more exact. He'd only ever told her, although with the rather ironclad NDAs he probably shouldn't have done that. Butt it was too late now. She'd opened the can of worms and flung them around the room, and right into Anthony's lap.

"I can totally see why you wanna tap that!" Anthony said, high-fiving Alya and both bursting into wild obnoxious laughter.

Marinette felt the telltale sign of prickling in her cheeks. Adrien's butt was a rather peppery one (not a peach) and it was perfect. Not that many people knew, but when he was in his suit her eyes struggled to look elsewhere — a problem which seemed to come with her late teens. Thank goodness there were no akumas still around. She was quite sure she'd spend more time falling off rooftops than anything else. If he tensed hard enough, she was certain he could crack a nut.

"You both need to stop objectifying men. Ant. It's wrong!" Marinette said with zero authority in her voice.

This only seemed to add to the night's humour, both Alya and Anthony bursting out laughing again.

Anthony collapsed back down in his seat. "If you're going to be a butt in a movie then you know you're going to be objectified. It's like Ladybug and Chat Noir with their hero suits. I'm quite certain they know how tight-fitting those costumes are, and they both wear them to their advantage."

Alya was now crying with laughter and Anthony, though laughing with her, looked rather confused and she couldn't blame him. Alya, obviously, was very privy to who was inside of the hero suits.
"Which hero's butt is your favourite?" Anthony suddenly asked, this whole conversation now going a step too far.

Alya was straight in with her answer. "Oh, Carapace, without a doubt! There's a nice amount to grab there." As though needed to show exactly what she meant, Alya stretched out and did a rather aggressive squeezing action with her hands, lips pouting, and Marinette starting to wonder what kind of role play went on in their bedrooms.

"I'm telling Nino." Anthony giggled, Marinette screwing her lips together to stop saying anything, yet Alya did the job for her.

"Please do!" Alya winked, cackling like crazy as Anthony grabbed his phone.

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