Sharing a Bed (Marinette)

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'Looks'. There are certain 'looks' which can define a moment. There's the classic 'smouldering gaze,' where the intensity could thaw the iciest of hearts. Then there's the 'awkwardly adorable glance,' catching you off guard in the sweetest way. And of course, who could resist the 'charming smirk' that spells trouble in the best possible way?

But Marinette's favourite 'look' of all came courtesy of her fiancé. Adrien always had this wonderful blend of rugged charm and genuine warmth that made every moment with him special. And watching him work on their home was truly enchanting.

With his sleeves rolled up and his tools in hand, he approached each task with focused determination. She'd spent hours pretending to clean, instead studying his frown as he contemplated the best way to restore or renovate, the whole look incredibly endearing. There was a quiet confidence in the way he fixed things, drawing on his skills and craftsmanship — or lack of, in some cases. The builders jumped in and saved him before he could make any grave mistakes.

But what she loved most about 'builder Adrien' was his unwavering dedication and his ability to bring life back into this house that held so much sentimental value for them both.

It wasn't just about repairs; it was about creating a home filled with love and memories, and seeing him embrace this project with such passion and care made her fall in love with him all over again. Adrien's hands-on approach and his commitment to honouring her grandfather's legacy through this house—it was a beautiful journey they were embarking on together.

So, she needed to pull on her big girl pants and actually tell him that!

Marinette and Alya were in full swing, preparing for their big night out. Clothes were strewn across Marinette's bedroom, forming a colourful mosaic of potential outfits.

Alya, holding up a sparkly dress, exclaimed, "This one screams confidence, girl! You're gonna rock Adrien's world tonight!"

Marinette, nervously fiddling with her hair, replied, "I hope so, Alya. I've rehearsed what I'll say a hundred times, but what if I trip over my words?"

"Or your feet," Alya said, causing Marinette to launch a bra in her direction.

Alya grinned mischievously. "Trust me, Marinette. Tonight, you're gonna have Adrien hanging on your every syllable like it's the most thrilling episode of 'The Chat Show'!"

Marinette laughed, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Okay, let's do this. But first, we need to ensure every detail is perfect. Adrien deserves nothing less than flawless."

With Alya's expert guidance, they meticulously crafted Marinette's look, from a daring updo to just the right shade of lipstick. Alya held up a mirror for Marinette's inspection. "Voila! One dazzling designer disguise, ready to charm the socks off Adrien Agreste."

Marinette blushed. "I hope. I need all the confidence I can get."

Alya threw an arm around her. "Remember, girlfriend, tonight's your night. And if all else fails, just imagine Adrien in a clown costume. Instant confidence boost!"

Marinette chuckled. "Thanks, Alya. But even then he'd be gorgeous!"

She sighed, her eyes looking down at her engagement ring. She'd begun to twirl it around her finger, more often then she would have liked. She'd miss it when it was gone.

"Damn, girl, you've got it worse than ever."

Marinette didn't need Alya to tell her that.

She stood up and made her way over to her wardrobe, foregoing Alya's sparkly dress and looking for something a little more her, a little more...

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