Chapter One

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Lisa is the peculiar youngest sister to her two beautiful sisters, but other from that, she's very content with the way she looks and doesn't really care about beauty-that is, until the most beautiful boy she has ever seen comes to visit. At first she finds herself captivated to the boy and starts to feel something for him, but she is shocked to find that he is a bully, haughty and conceited, and he believes that only beautiful people should be seen with him. Everything happens so fast, and Lisa pretends that these beautiful monster words don't effect her.

After having some pizza and a soda, Lisa slept on her bed. Although she was happy with her dinner, what she really wanted to do was turn up the volume on some loud music till her sister appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey I thought I told you to knock" Lisa groans getting irritated by her sister presence.

"Your door was wide open, dummy," she said in an obvious tone. Lisa looked up and stared at her gorgeous sister. Why was life so unfair? she thought to herself.

Her sisters were both model-tall, with flawless skin, the ideal tight form for a model, and stunning features. Their mother ofcourse gave them their good blessed looks, and although her mom was a successful model in the past, she is now more focused on managing the company with her dad.

Her father, however, was raised in the family business. Her mother didn't particularly care about her father's appearance because he was a successful man and had an attractive body.

However, she had a striking resemblance to her father. She had been at a family reunion once, when she was thirteen. One of her nosy aunts had gushed, "Wow, Lindsey and Becky, you two are really stunning," then she had looked at Lisa, but her expression had not been as excited to see her.

"Oh Lisa you're getting older" that comment really got to Lisa since then she was aware that her two older sisters have always been more beautiful than her she was sad at first but she learned to grow with it.

Lisa has always loved singing and knew she had a beautiful voice, but she was always too shy to let people hear it, so she kept her talent to herself. Only her parents truly knew about her amazing voice. Now, at the age of seventeen, Lisa is a high school student, discovering her own path and sense of self.

"Get out becky" she uttered out completely irritated but Becky only rolled her eyes, "mom said you should come downstairs I think we're going to have a guest" she says and leaves completely ignoring Lisa's death glare.

"Who the heck is coming now" Lisa mumbles to herself feeling way to lazy to even get up and walk.

After just a few minutes Lisa finally gets up and walks down the stairs towards the living room.

She sees her sisters with her mother sitting on the coach but where was Dad.

"Hey mom What was it you needed to send over for me?" Lisa lazily asked, she didn't like being interrupted especially when she was having her alone time.

Her mother not only was she stunning for her age but was kind lady, "your father's friend Richard son is on his way" she stated leaving the girls speechless, Lindsey finally let go of her phone she was the oldest, "I don't understand what you mean by guest mother" Lindsey asked curious to find out what she meant.

"Well I don't know if you'll really remember Jacob " her mom started off but Lisa was clueless and the girls did not seem to recall who the boy was

"Ok so Richard and his wife are going to be traveling for a year and they thought it'd be a fun idea for Jacob to be part of this family " her mom blurted out staring at her daughters and continues

"They'd be gone for a year and they wanted Jacob to stay here for a while" her mom breathed.

Lindsey looked like she wasn't ok with the arrangements at all, "mom why couldn't you tell us sooner" she said sounding a bit furious at her

Lisa witnessed the entire drama play out. Lisa laughed softly to herself a few times as she watched her two elder sisters gripe and bemoan their lack of solitude.

She just didn't care who the visitor was as long as he wasn't staying in her room; the mystery boy was free to stay in their house for as long as he pleased-in fact, an elephant was welcome-but nobody was allowed to sleep on her bed.

After some complains here and there between her sisters and her mother the door bell rang

"Oh the mystery boy has finally arrived " she said hoping to piss off her sisters but they threw her a dirty glare.

Since no one was making any move to get the door their mother got up and walked over towards the door.

Lisa and her sisters were still at the living room until they heard their mom gushing and welcoming whoever the stranger was.

"Hey drama queens I think we should atleast meet the mystery boy" Lisa proposed and the girls reluctantly got off their ass from the cushion.

The three of them walked over to the door step and they saw their dad holding their mom, their dad turns around and sees his daughters

"Jacob I'd like you to meet my daughter's, Lindsey, Becky and our baby of the house Lisa" he points at them one after the other.

Lisa had never seen a more beautiful boy than him. He was tall, the perfect amount of muscle for his frame, well-defined cheekbones, long eyelashes that would make any lady envy, and a broad shoulder for his stature. He had a fantastic cologne that Lisa could smell.
Just by looking into his eyes, which were equally beautiful but also intensely mysterious and radiated intelligence, her heart started to rush.

After her father had introduced the girls to Jacob he gave each one of them his charming smile and when it was time for him to smile at Lisa, she noticed that his smile didn't reach his eyes like he did for her own sisters.

Lisa suddenly felt stabbed. Call her crazy in her heart, but for a brief moment, she noticed his critical gaze in his eye; he treated her as though she were a snail amid butterflies.

"It's a pleasure meeting you ladies" even his voice was soothing to the ears and Lisa noticed that he directed his comment to only Lindsey, she saw the way this beautiful boy kept staring at her sister intensely and Lindsey boldly held his eyes smiling right back at him confidently.

"Ok guys let's move inside and properly welcome our guest" her mom said obviously needing to get back with something else



Ok guys I need your honest feedback on my first chapter of this story

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