Chapter Six

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Lisa felt like flying out from his car, the vibe in his car felt deadly not to mention his expensive cologne still engulfing the whole car, like seriously how does he still smell so nice Lisa had wondered.

From the corner of her eye, Lisa noticed Jacob's face relax and calm down a little, but it didn't stop her from observing him for a little while longer. He was extremely attractive, and his messy hair from his training after school probably contributed to his already stunning features.

She found herself staring at him because he truly had the elegance of splendor. He seemed to be incredibly calm while driving his car, enabling the tranquil presence to come in. Life really wasn't fair.

Lisa was happy to merely stare at him rather than interrupt the moment by asking him any questions.Jacob asked while maintaining his composure, "Do you have anything to say or are you just going to keep on staring at me like that?"

Despite being utterly taken aback, Lisa managed to come up with a witty response: "And what gives you the impression that I was even looking at you, you're really full of yourself." She was frank in her statement and couldn't be happier with herself right now.

Jacob was intrigued by that, even though he knew he had only been unpleasant to her. He was taken aback that a girl of her caliber dared to speak to him so directly; most girls would have preferred to flirt or at the very least blush. He was amazed that she could even respond to him in such a direct manner.

He spoke harshly, without giving her a sidelong glance and instead concentrating on his driving, saying, "Keep lying to yourself, sweetheart. I know you were lustfully staring at me."

Did he just say "sweetheart" to her? Lisa's heart raced, and she flushed a lot. Jacob saw her flushing and gave her a sly smile.

With enmity in his voice, he continued, "Next time, don't play smart with me," and Lisa just remained silent.

He repeated, "You really know how to ruin things, sweetheart." "What do you mean by ruin things?" Lisa asked, her expression vehement, staring at him straight at this point, even though he was too preoccupied to look her in the eye because he was too busy driving.

"Why do my new friends feel the need to notice you at all?" he asked, his demeanor dangerously composed. "And why shouldn't they?" she countered, her tone somewhat sarcastic, "because there's nothing to notice here." He then gave her a mean grin and gestured with his long finger.

Lisa was left stunned by his harsh remarks, which, she had to confess, stung her a little. Why was he so picky about how she looked?

"It's bad enough that I even feel like your chauffeur" Jacob complains at glares at her, Lisa tried not to allow any of his words get to her

"If you really feel like your being used then fine I'll talk to my Dad about it" Lisa said folding her arms getting really tired of the conversation.

With a broad smile, he remarked, "Thank you, you finally said something that we can both agree on."

After a few minutes, they made it back home, and Lisa was almost finished for the day. She had had such a difficult day, and she was eager to eat and listen to her favorite music to decompress.

Lisa got out of the Devil's vehicle, and as she was ready to slam the door hard, his firm hand grabbed hers. His strong hands held Lisa so tightly.

Lisa gasped in shock, wondering how he could have followed her for so long. His physique wasn't particularly muscular, but it was still enough to enclose her from behind. His firm grip gripped both of her hands, gently slamming them against his car. The position she was in made her feel trapped and uncomfortable, and she could feel the heat of his body all over her.

He whispered, "If you ever try to do that again, sweetheart I promise I'll make your life miserable." His body was now partially trapping her against his car, making her feel trapped. She hoped that none of her family members would see them; what is wrong with this boy? Did he not think this was too inappropriate?

"do you understand, dear?" His voice was raspy yet aggressive.Lisa was left stunned, barely able to nod in response to his demand

Jacob didn't know what had come over him, but as soon as he realized that she was upset and about to break his car, he had to act. What even surprised him was how small she seemed in comparison to him, and how her vanilla scent reached him. Her hands were incredibly soft and fit in with his even better than Lindsey's. "Very good," he said softly into her ear.

"Don't you ever touch me" Lisa said while blushing really hard at his close proximity, Jacob smirked at her cruelly, "don't get the idea of me ever wanting to be close to you" he said turning around and leaving her.
Lisa lay in bed, unsure of exactly what had happened. She felt disturbed and angry about her heart palpitating whenever he was around; she had never experienced such intense passion before, from any guy who truly cared about her or made her feel special. She was also a little embarrassed by the fact that she was panting in front of him; too bad he hated her, so she had to make a concerted effort to avoid him.

She decided to go and meet her dad at his study, she knocked on his door and he says that she can come inside, "hey dad" she said while walking in, "hi honey, is there any problem" he asked, her dad was the only one in her family that could probably only understand her.

"Yes dad, can I not go with Lindsey and Becky to school" she asked and her eyes pleaded desperate, her father only chuckled, "why, what's wrong with Jacob, his a nice kid" her father asked leaving his work and paying full attention to his daughter, her dad looked really tired from the stress he had in the office but he all ways had time for his family.

Even though he seemef really tired he was still rather good looking, "his mean to me" Lisa said seating down to a chair close to her dad.

"Honey, I'm sure his just trying to get used to his new environment just give him time to adjust" her father said reasonably smiling at his daughter and just then get mother walks inside.

"Oh hey baby anything the matter" her mother asked her, "mom I really don't like Jacob his mean to me" Lisa tried to explain to her parents but they seemed not to understand what's she was complaining about.

Her mother once again defended the devil, saying, "Baby, His just getting used to you and you know you can be a handful sometimes." Lisa became very agitated and left the study; neither of her parents even stopped her to ask further questions because they were too preoccupied with work to even get involved in Lisa's issue with Jacob.

When Lisa went downstairs to fetch a snack to help her relax, she saw Jacob enticing his sisters; to her family, he appeared to be a perfect angel, but in reality, he was truly a devil.




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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 19 ⏰

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