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    When she returned to her cabin, she was reunited with her father. He followed her about the room, complaining about her disappearance after afternoon tea. She consoled him that she just took a simple walk around the ship to get some fresh air after Rose left her. He became hysterical, telling her all the things her mother would say if she were there to hear it all. Lydia rolled her eyes and closed her bedroom door in his face, finally relieved to have some peace and quiet. She plopped herself on the chair at her vanity and stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were tired and her cheeks were gaunt. However, after her interaction with Mr Andrews, there was a glimmer of hope underneath the sorrow. She could feel the hope, just like she did when boarding. Something would change in her life here, on this ship; but what could change it in such a drastic way so fast? Her mind could only revert to Mr Andrews in that moment. His sweet face that smiled at her when their eyes met. His gentle and caring gestures. Something about that man made her feel something she had never felt before. Something that made her feel alive again.

    When her mind returned to reality, she noticed that her lips had stretched into a silly grin filled with giddiness. She laughed at herself and how stupid she looked. With a shake of her head, she took out the pins in her hair and brushed it while humming a cheerful little tune. She took some time pinning up her hair into a bun and finishing it with a dolphin hair comb accessory. As she stood, there was a lightness in her step when she made her way to the wardrobe and opened its doors. From it she picked out a white evening gown with a blue sash that draped around it. A small flower was pinned at the waist, complimenting her small figure. All she could think about was whether or not Mr Andrews would like it. Silas and her father had all but disappeared from her mind. Perhaps this was their least favorite dress. She didn't care. She just wanted to be presentable in front of Mr Andrews, in hopes that she would see him again. Her stomach filled with butterflies as she danced around the room in her dress. Before leaving, she quickly glanced at herself in the mirror and pulled two strands of hair from around her face to give herself dimension. Now, she was perfect.

    She slipped on her shoes and exited to the sitting room where her father sat impatiently. Although her father was cross at her, he couldn't hold the emotion any longer when he laid his eyes upon his beautiful daughter. His brows eased their strain and his eyes softened in awe. He rose from his seat and came to her, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

    "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry for the way I yelled at you. I sounded like your mother, didn't I?" He apologized. She nodded solemnly. "Don't feel ashamed, dear. I'm the one who is to be sorry. Come now. I'll escort you to dinner this time." He said with a proud smile on his face. She took his arm and together they walked out the door and down the staircase to the dining saloon.

    When they arrived, they were greeted by a multitude of famous and rich faces. Lydia's father greeted them cordially but Lydia remained silent, only giving each one a polite smile and nod. When they passed into the dining room, Lydia was in awe at the magnificence of the dining ware. From the china to the cutlery and the dishes. Everything was so beautiful and elegant. The tables and chairs were so comfortable and luxurious that Lydia felt as though she could fall asleep within them. Through all of these observations, she had drifted away from her father and instead found herself at Rose's table. She greeted her with a smile and sat next to her, only to be joined shortly after by her fiancé.

    "I searched for you everywhere earlier. Where were you?" He didn't sound pleased.

    "I just went out to get some fresh air. You must've just missed me after Rose left. It was a very beautiful afternoon." Lydia explained in a whisper before taking her napkin and placing it delicately on her lap as the champagne was served. She had remarked smartly, which Silas could not refute. He was left without a clever cutback and instead resorted to a simple threat.

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