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    The dark abyss was beginning to be filled with a dim light that flickered on and off. Rooms seemed to creak as the floor was becoming uneven to tread on. As the light flickered on, the images of the rooms were unmistakable. The First Class Lounge, E-Deck elevators, the Grand Staircase. This was the Titanic. Screams and tasseling people could be heard from all around, splashing and flailing down each hall. The water seeped into the Smoke Room fast. It gurgled up as the ship began to tilt at an even harsher angle. The water came like a slithering snake as it crawled up her legs and stole her breath from her as the chilling temperature shocked her system. Her body froze, unable to move as the water encapsulated her head and all oxygen was taken from her. Then, only darkness once again as the screams pervaded, muffled by the water that seeped into her ears.

    Lydia jolted up with a scream and a cold sweat that beaded around her face, her breathing labored. Suddenly, the door slammed open as her father appeared and came to her side. He wrapped his arms around her and calmed her with quiet words enough for her to speak, the light rays of the morning gracing her features and comforting her fear.

    "It was just a nightmare, darling. It's alright. This ship is not going to sink and you are not going to drown. Everything is okay." Her father soothed her as she collected herself, tightening her grip on the sheets. Her father got distracted momentarily as his eyes became fixed on the dark coat that she was wrapped in. "Whose coat is this? I've never seen it before." He asked as he felt the fabric. Confused, Lydia looked up at her father with a furrowed brow, until she looked down at the coat that had enveloped her small figure.

    Lydia's eyes widened as she remembered that she had fallen asleep within the comfort of Thomas' coat, falling into her dreams within the fragrance of earthy grass within a wood. She tightened the coat around her and cleared her throat before standing up. "Silas gave it to me last night before I retreated to a walk along the deck. He said it would be cold so it would be best if I had something over my arms." She lied through her teeth, although she knew it wouldn't end well if word had gotten back to Silas. However, she had faith that her father would forget about it within a half hour.

    "Well, isn't that nice of him?" Her father grinned, pleased that his daughter's fiancé seemed to be doing a decent job caring for her. Little did he know of the truth of what had happened the previous night.

    Lydia sighed and shooed him out of the room so that she could prepare for the morning. He had reminded her that Rose's party invited them to breakfast at the Parisian Cafe. Lydia could only scoff and roll her eyes as she brushed out her hair and styled it neatly. It was let down in its soft waves and a crown of flowers was placed delicately on her head. She redid her makeup and refreshed her face, finally getting dressed into a lovely white gown with blue accents and flowers lining the skirt. She twirled in front of the mirror and smiled at herself, pleased with how her style had come together. She set out to the sitting room where she found her father with his arm out toward her. She took it and together they walked toward A-Deck.

    When they entered the room, they were stopped by John Astor who greeted them with a smile and a handshake. He disappeared down the way they had come as they continued to a table near the ornate glass windows where Rose and her mother were already seated. Lydia broke off from her father to greet Rose with a grateful hug; one full of energy and longing.

    "It's so wonderful to see you. Last night was exhausting." Lydia expressed with a relieved smile.

    "Indeed it was." She nodded, her face just as light as Lydia's.

    Lydia looked around her, searching for their two partners. "Where is Cal and Silas?"

    Rose waved her hand dismissively. "They went to get some more cigars for later in the Smoking Room. They said they'd return in a few minutes." Rose then glanced behind her and smirked. "However, I think the man you are really looking for has just arrived."

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