The Domes

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[Looks like chapter is fully revised, also fixed some inconsistencies. Expect chapter 3 "Critical Revengeance" to come out tomorrow.]

The artificial lights blinded him.

. . .

Namida: So this is it, the surface. 

"Analyzing his surroundings he immediately noticed that the sky looked surreal, having multiple lines just like a shattered glass. But somehow, it was in the sky, even the clouds looked off centered as the illusion of it being the surface slowly crumbled."

Namida: I got my hopes a bit too high, I'm incredibly frustated that I thought it was this easy. Though, there definitely looks like human technology is involved.  Well, looks like something sketchy is happening in this beach, crystal clear water and some sort of wooden ports? With no people whatsoever?

"Looking more around the weird technological beach, there was no choice but to swim to other islands. So the human decided to swim to the main island, because he just hates more filler."

Namida: It's already getting pretty hot, not to mention I have to maintain my hoodie and backpack, I'm pretty lucky since the backpack is already waterproof. I'll still get my clothes wet from swimming, but I think it won't affect me that much since this place has pretty intense heat.

"Rapidly swimming through the warm water the human saw signs and unnecessary things added on top of the dock, and it infact looked very recent, like a few months old. Finally getting to the ports and climbing it up he noticed that the people who built this were horrible enginers, some parts of the wood instatly got teared apart. Repeatedly trying to climb up to the port he failed and failed, like these people were playing some sort of joke on him. Or worse, it wasn't desgined for the human, but besides the struggle to climb up to the platform the human decided that he had enough of that and chose the harder way."

A few silly minutes later...

Namida: Holy... that made me way tired than I thought, no wonder why others called me a weakling during P.E class. Even if the water will make me fresh during a few minutes, I still need to find a shadow to hide from the sun. Is this place abnormally hot or is it just summer in here? Doesn't matter, I need to advanced forward to see if there are humans! Firstly, I need to take a nap, there's no way of knowing much I'll walk!

"Moving to the metal pillar and resting his back on it, he noticed that there were barely any spots with shadows or any coverage at all! How could people endure this kind of heat? The human wondered over and over, until he quickly fell asleep."

. . .

"In a far away place, three figures are discussing about their leader's sudden dissapearence."

Octoling soldier 1: How could Octavio, our great leader, be taken away from us so easily?

Octoling soldier 2: It's as if, the crowd were somehow hypnotized by that song.

Octoling elite: That's not entirely possible, the Inklings are known for their cruel and egoist battle tactics.

Octolong soldier 2: I know they were bad but not THAT evil, we need to plan something quick before this situation gets worse!

Octoling elite: It's no use, we need to request permission to the higher ups. Besides, the general is out for a important mission.

Octoling soldier 1: Then what can we do? I don't want to sit here doing nothing!

Octoling elite: Again, we can't do anything. Only time will tell.

. . .

Namida: Whoa, that was surprisingly a good nap. Though, this hot climate still doesn't help. Better get moving out of this place.

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