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10 - Brizo (SY 22-23)

Active Now
July 6
6:32 PM

Mrs. Laurel - Adviser:
Good evening, students! Sorry for the late announcement, but tomorrow is your club choosing day. You will have to choose a club to join for your extracurricular. Posters of available clubs will be posted on bulletin boards around the school campus. You could check those bulletin boards in your free time. Students are only allowed to choose one club, so choose what you are interested in. For journalists, varsities, and members of the drum and lyre, you cannot join any clubs anymore as these activities are already your extracurricular. Thank you!


camii 🔒 @dencecami
Pagod na po ako para sa extracurricular na 'yan. 😅

camii 🔒@dencecami
Pero sige po. Haha! Para sa grades siguro.

camii 🔒@dencecami
Pero wala naman akong interests. 😭

camii 🔒@dencecami
Bahala na!

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