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It was a sunny morning outside the stone house, this happened a few days after Sora was accidentally summoned by Rio.(before Celia remembers Rio)

"Um..." Haruto felt a soft sensation pressed against him tightly and opened his eyes, in a haze. He saw a familiar sight of Aishia hugging him tightly while sleeping. She looked so carefree yet stressed. Rio smiled to himself. They both just recently had their existence wiped out from the residents of the world, and while Rio had his usual composure, he was too shaken in the core to emit a reaction. Yet seeing Aishia made him calm and reassured him. At least I have Aishia.

"Uh..." Aishia mumbled as she opened her gem-like eyes slightly, still half-asleep as she sat down and yawned cutely while mumbling "Morning" and went back clinging to Haruto.

Haruto smiled to himself, and his hand automatically went to pet her hair. "Good morning, Aishia. Did you sleep well?" Aishia nodded and replied with a simple "Yes."

Rio asked, "How about Sora-chan? Is she up?" If she was already up, she would be wandering the house like the patrol guard, wondering if she could enter his room or not. Haruto himself witnessed many nights when he got up at night to drink some water, Sora roamed the house adorably muttering, "Should Sora enter? Should Sora not Enter?"

"No, Sora is still asleep," Aishia said as she rubbed her eyes.

Seeing her action normal,it made him feel so calm and Haruto smiled gently and hugged her, saying in a rarely agitated tone, "Aishia, thank you for being with me, for doing all this for me... really."

Aishia cocked her head and said, "I exist for Haruto and Haruto alone. No matter where you go, I will go too."

Haruto said, "Y-you... that time, why did you try to sacrifice yourself? If I didn't come at the right time, you would be all alone right now, forgotten by everyone, including me, you know?" Rio asked with an uneasy tone.

Aishia's expression turned to that of slight sadness. She said in a rarely non-monotonous voice, "At least, then Haruto would be together with everyone, and not alone... I am sorry, Haruto."

Aishia rarely excluded any forms of emotions, but right now, just like back then, her expressions were so vivid, and her perfectly sculptured face had a tormented look.

"It's fine," Rio gently wrapped his hands around her, pulling her close. It was the first time he had assertively hugged a female, but currently, Rio didn't care. He didn't know why, but seeing Aishia like that, his heart felt like it was about to be crushed. He despised it. Aishia hugged him back, her face buried in his chest as Rio gently pet her hair, whispering comforting words.

"We still have a chance, Aishia. We can break the rules somehow. We will go back to our friends," Rio said resolutely, and Aishia nodded firmly. Then she asked, ", Rio... I have just one request."

"What is it? Tell me? Anything," Rio replied without missing a beat. It was extremely rare for Aishia to ask something, and considering the circumstances and the amount of things Aishia had done for him, Rio wanted to make sure her wish was satisfied no matter what.

Aishia gently relieved herself from Rio's embrace and wrapped her hands around his neck, kissing him on the lips straight up. "Hmp" Rio's mind was lagging as his contract spirit poured all of her feelings into the kiss. She kissed him deeply, her smooth silky peach hair swirling around his hand, and her soft body pressed against him. S-Soft, Rio couldn't help but think. After all, he too was a human being, and though not perverse, he too was not that different from other men.

After a long minute, Aishia's grip loosened as she reluctantly tore herself from the passionate kiss. "A-Aishia!" Rio almost shrieked shrilly. Meanwhile, Aishia simply smiled slightly and cocked her head. She said simply, "Haruto said 'anything,' though," and Rio sighed. He then said, "W-w-Well, I did, but-" Aishia simply hugged him, and Rio couldn't say anything. He judged there is no use speaking, and for the third time, they simply hugged each other throughout the morning. Though Sora made a huge deal out of that morning, that's a story for another time.



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