Chapter 45

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"So your Mom is either really changing, or that rehab center has got her on some damn good drugs!" Rory commented as Logan followed her up the stairs to go put away their Christmas gifts.

"Right?! Remind me to call her therapist this week, so I can find out what kind of miracle drug she's on." Logan laughed.

"Did you know that a magical personality drug actually exists?"

"I had no idea, but that stuff needs to be immediately mass marketed because I know A LOT of people who could really benefit from it."

"I completely agree! That woman was pleasant! Not only did she send me a present, but it was actually very nice and thoughtful. THEN, she even offered to help with the nursery while she's having Honor's nursery done. Your mother hates me! That woman we talked to looks like Shira, but do you think she's had a complete brain transplant? Because she's NEVER been nice to me."

"She said that she's proud of me!"

"I know!"

"And then when I was shocked and speechless, she told me to not act so surprised to hear her say those words. And she bought me a customized lab coat!"

"Then she offered to have more made for you!" Rory added. "Something just doesn't add up here!"

"Hey, I don't mean to intrude on you guys, but can we talk about Mom's sudden personality change?" Honor asked a minute later, suddenly appearing in the doorway to Logan and Rory's bedroom.

"Mom said that she's proud of me!" Logan said, turning to face his sister.

"I know! And I'm speechless!"

"Is it bad that whatever miracle drug she's on, I hope you guys never have to take her off if it?" Rory asked.

"I just want to know what the miracle drug's name is so I can start prescribing it." Logan laughed.

"I want to like this new pleasant Mom, but she kind of terrifies me." Honor told them.

"What does Josh think?" Logan asked.

"He says those are some damn good drugs that they've got her on."

"I said the exact same thing." Rory chuckled.

"I don't understand where this new nice version of Mom came from. I'm wondering if it's just a relaxed California version of the dragon lady. And if it is, maybe we should move her out there permanently. Hell, maybe we'll send Dad there too." Logan told them.

"I think that might be the best idea you've ever had!" Honor agreed. "Whatever miracle drug they've got Mom on, maybe we can get Dad on the same thing. He's just been nasty lately."

"I know! Right after the first heart attack, Dad was actually being semi-pleasant. But now . . ."

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