In Being An Omega (Part 1)

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Well, he tried to punch him anyways.

Thankfully, Yoo Jin had missed and even more thankfully, he had found a way to get out of that club before that alpha was able to get to him.

He felt bad that he had to leave Mara but the club staff was likely going to check on them soon and there was no way he was going to stick around so that they could charge him for assault even if it was in self-defense. He knew how the world worked by now and money always triumphed.

Thankfully he had also given them a fake identity number when applying for the job, having known full well that he wouldn't have been hired otherwise with his record. Now all he had to do was lay low....

"Damnit!" he yelled at nothing in particular, the sounds reverberating around the small studio apartment, and a bang came from the wall to his right quickly followed by a "Quiet down!" from his neighbor.

The job had fallen through and now there was no money. Money he desperately needed.

"Shit," he said, this time a lot more softly as he looked about the room blindly. They were two months behind rent and the fridge was as empty as his bank account.

Yoo Jin kicked at the folded blankets set against the wall of the room. Then he punched it. And he kicked it, letting out a muted, frustrated scream in the process. And for good measure, he punched it once more and plopped down on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, his breathing heavy from self imposed exertion.

He was tired. He had been working three jobs only a week ago, one at a convenience store and two delivery jobs. He had been working himself to the bone and it barely paid enough for him to pay for the tiny studio they lived in. But at least they had been fed. Sure, it was mostly convenience food that was about to expire but that meant the price was fifty percent off and adding the employee discount to it, it had been more than affordable.

Normally he wouldn't have had to worry this much about two months' late rent, not when the previous landlord had been around but she had been hospitalized since Yoo Jin had found her collapsed in the apartment's stairwell three weeks ago and had ran to the hospital with her on his back, having had no money to pay for a taxi.

She had been in the hospital since then and he knew very little of exactly what ailed her as her "son", a man he had never once seen in the ten years he lived in her apartment building, had refused to disclose that information with a "stranger". And in her absence, that man had taken over as the landlord and his dislike of alphas and omegas had become immediately apparent. Despite the fact that Yoo Jin had been the one who had brought his mother to the hospital, he had demanded he pay his back rent by the end of the month, which was nearly impossible considering that he made barely enough to pay for one month's rent and his sister's needs, and most especially since his sister had recently been diagnosed with a disorder that made her fall asleep randomly at any point of the day.

She was nearly six years old and had only started school but the school had sent her home upon discovering her condition, stating that they were not equipped to deal with her. The landlord had been gracious enough to take care of her when he was at work and in exchange, Yoo Jin had assisted her in his free time with the more physically intensive tasks around the apartment building. But now that she was hospitalized, he had been forced to return home early from his work to tend to his sister and that had eventually resulted in his being let off from all three jobs.

He cursed again. The asshole hadn't even visited his mother in the ten plus years Yoo Jin had lived there and now he was acting as if he was some sort of filial son. Yoo Jin had tried to explain the situation to him, even saying that he had agreement with his mother, but the man had refused to budge, saying that if he was lenient with them then he would have had to be so with other tenants in unfortunate circumstances. It was more likely that he was trying to push him out so that he could raise the rent. He struck Yoo Jin as a greedy s.o.b..

But despite his suspicions, there was nothing Yoo Jin could do since legally, the son had the rights to kick them out if he did not pay.

For a moment, he felt sorry for the old lady, she had been sweet and quite lonely considering how willing she had been to take care of his sister. He wondered briefly if they would let them in to see her if they visited at a time her son was not there.

He shook his head. No this wasn't any time to be worrying about someone else. He and his sister were in danger of being kicked out into the streets.

He had really needed that money. If only that alpha hadn't been such a– No, if only he had held in his temper....

His phone suddenly dinged and he looked at the message upon the screen.

[Where are you? You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. Boss walked in and he's asking why there is a little girl sleeping alone in the back of the club.]

Yoo Jin cursed and then picking up his jacket, he quickly made his way out the front door.

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