How a Wizard Determines His Class

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Yoo Jin opened his mouth and let out a huge yawn as he scratched his stomach beneath his shirt.

"What?" he said, meeting the disgusted look Tae Hyun sent his way.

It was the morning after the council meeting and Yoo Jin had been forced to wake at an ungodly hour of 5AM to meet with Chief Tak for his training.

"Why are you here anyways?" said Yoo Jin to the alpha. "I thought Tak was going to train me."

"Chief Tak to you, Mr. Tae," said a low voice from behind him.

Yoo Jin spun around to see the old lady alpha hobble her way toward them in the grass. She wore gray robes that were quite humble and Yoo Jin then realized that the other two times as well, her robes had been almost colorless and simple in comparison to the garbs of the council.

"Hey Chief," said Yoo Jin with a wide grin.

She raised a brow at him but did not say anything. Yoo Jin turned to see the alpha silently mimic his words 'Hey Chief' with a look of alarm.

"What?" he said with a shrug.

"Address her appropriately," he replied, his voice low, before pushing Yoo Jin's head down into a bow, while bending at his own waist. "Good Morning, Chief Tak."

Yoo Jin gazed sideways at the alpha with an arched brow of his own. Has this alpha always been such a stickler for the rules?

When Tae Hyun released him, he took that opportunity to pull the alpha down to his height and roughly ruffled the younger man's hair. "This punk, how dare you push down the head of someone older than you."

Tae Hyun glared at him ferociously before stepping back and patting his hair back to its original style.

Yoo Jin chuckled. He couldn't help it, he was in a good mood. It had been weeks since he had a good night's sleep and a meal that completely filled his belly and to top it off, the meal had been home made by Doctor Yoon himself, something he only ever had when Liam occasionally invited him over for dinner. Even his parents had never once cooked him a warm meal.

"If you two are done," came the low voice again and they both straightened as they turned to face the Chief. She began walking farther into the grounds, leading them to a spot behind the Silla castle, far enough away from any potential prying eyes before stopping and turning to them.

She was quiet for a long moment, her hands clasped sagely behind her back as she gazed at Yoo Jin. "Normally it takes months to be able to control mana," she began, "but we do not have that kind of time. The examination is in two days, which means we really only have today and a bit of tomorrow to train your control. I am assuming you know the purpose of this examination?"

Yoo Jin sent a sideways glance at Tae Hyun. The alpha's explanation, as always, had been sparse, he had simply told him that the exam was a way for the wizard trainees to determine their class.

"Monsters used to roam these lands, terrorizing villages and hunting humans and animals alike with little distinction," began Chief Tak, her hands still clasped behind her back as she faced them. "Historical accounts tell of creatures, different from beasts, that were significantly more powerful than any human. Those same records depicted warriors, who excelled in many forms of fighting, who lit up in a blinding glow in battles with these monsters. A scholar of the name Pak Chiwon was the first to note that these people of 'significant untraceable power' would exhibit a glow only when using a particular weapon and any other weapon would produce meager amounts of mana. Later, a shaman doctor documented scars upon the flesh of these warriors, which were mirrored upon their weapon that exuded that peculiar light.

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