All Alone

158 2 15

These chapters will be short and in branch's pov
Current Age: 3-4 Years old

Branch's pov

It had been a 2 years after they left...

John, Spruce, Clay and Flo Fo were gone. But they will be back! I know it! Flo Flo promised me and he will keep it..I know it!

It is a nice sunny day and grandma is hanging laundrey outside.

I step out of the pod, feeling the sun's warmth hit my skin. It is soothing yet the weather and the atmosphere has a depressing feeling.

I walk over to the large leaf, there was a rose. A nice red rose, sitting there in the sun. I pick it up and start singing.

I sang and sang, as if the song was going to bring back my brothers. I sang so loud, I did not notice the Large, hungry Bergen coming. 

I did not hear my grandmother's pleads, I felt a push and I fell off the leaf. Grandma had pushed me back and the Bergen snatched her.

People think the Bergen walked away, that I only watched her get taken away but no..... 

The bergen ate her..right in front of me. I could hear screams of pain and see her blood

I felt the happiness in me get sucked out as I turned Grey, "GRANDMA!" I yelled out but to no avail.

My Grandma was eaten and I watched it all, The Bergen left her bloodied bones lying in front of me.

I stare at it as Tears rolled down my cheek. She was gone..I was all alone. 

My brothers leaving and my grandma's screams echo through my mind, haunting me. 

I could not believe it...I Am All Alone..

Branch's Hard Life (Death Till End AU)Where stories live. Discover now