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A/N: you and JJ don't know each other to well but your friends with Kie.

I'm currently sitting in class, practically half asleep. "Yn!" I hear my teacher abruptly scold, I quickly look up.

"What?" I ask with a roll of my eyes.

"If you aren't gonna pay attention in my class— then get out!" She angrily says as she points towards the door.

"Ok." I simply say before grabbing my bag and leaving the classroom.

Me and teachers never go good together. I've never really cared for school, I'm not failing but I'm not exactly a straight A student— like Pope.

Even though I have averages B's and C's, the teachers treat me like I'm on the verge of flunking out of highschool. That wouldn't be the worst thing to happen, honestly.

I start to roam the halls as I listen to music in my headphones. "Young lady! Where are we headed?" The hall monitor asks, causing me to take off my headphones.

"I got kicked outta class." I truthfully say.

"I'm not buying it— I'm giving you a slip. Detention." She says as she writes something down on a blue piece of paper. She hands me it.

"Bro, are you kidding me?" I ask in annoyance. "Ask my teacher, she literally kicked me out of her class." I say as I crumble up the paper.

"I know who you are, you're not fooling me." She says, making me furrow my brows.

"Well, I don't know you and I don't wanna get to know you." I say before walking towards the detention room, schools almost over anyways.

I slump into a random chair that's in the back of the class. I pull my hood up and lay my head down, sleep about to take over.

Suddenly, the door opens, making me almost jump out of my skin. "Mr Maybank, so nice of you to join us." The vice principal says. I didn't even notice that she was sitting at the big desk that's in the front of the classroom, the whiteboard behind it.

"So nice to be here." The blonde boy says, unamused, making me laugh slightly.

"I will be back. Don't go anywhere." The principal says as she holds a stack of papers.

"It's not like we can go anywhere." I mutter loud enough so she can hear.

"Very funny." The principal sarcastically says before leaving the room.

"Bitch." I say under my breath.

I look over at the boy and realize that he's looking at me, he quickly looks away. I brush it off and stand up, walking over to the whiteboard.

I grab a dry erase marker and write fuck you in big letters, signing my name at the end. I then walk over to my chair and grab my bag.

"Where are you going?" The Maybank kid asks.

"Home." I shrug.

"You're really gonna leave me here— on my own?" He basically whines.

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do." I say before trying to open the door. "It's locked." I sigh.

"Of course it is." The blonde boy sarcastically breathes out, annoyed.

"I'll try the window." I say, suddenly getting a good idea.

"We're on the second floor, dumbass." The boy says, a slight smile on his face.

"So?" I say, starting to walk towards the window.

"Do you really hate detention so much that you're willing to break all of your bones to get out?" He asks in disbelief.

"I'll just slide down the flagpole and hit the back fence." I joke, realizing he's right. "I guess we're stuck here for two hours." I say.

Normally, detention is an hour, but today is Friday so they're trying to ruin our weekend as much as they possibly can.

"Guess so." The boy says.

I sit on the ground, leaning my head against the wall. "If we're gonna be here for a while, let's get to know each other." I say.

"Alright. My name is JJ." JJ says.

"My name is Yn." I introduce myself.

"Wait— Yn as in Kie's friend?" JJ asks.

"You know Kie?" I ask, sitting up straighter.

"Yeah, she's one of my best friends." He nods.

"That's cool, I met her at a beach cleaning thing." I explain with a soft smile.

It goes quiet, not an awkward silence, though. "Wanna do something?" JJ asks, breaking the silence.

"Sure." I say, standing up.

"Let's stack all of the books from that bookshelf." JJ says, pointing to a bookshelf filled to the brim with books.

"Ok." I laugh as we walk over to the shelf.

We quickly start to stack books on top of each other as we laugh. "Holy shit, she's gonna hate our asses." JJ says, a smile on his face.

"Doesn't she already hate us, anyway?" I ask, a soft laugh following after.

"True." He nods.

*Time Skip*

We're almost done with stacking the books, we have to stand on chairs to reach the top. "Is this teacher ever coming back?" I laugh.

"Hopefully not-" JJ says. Suddenly, the door opens. We jinxed ourselves.

"What did you guys do!?" The vice principal yells angrily.

"Grab your bag." JJ whispers into my ear. I grab my bag slyly. "This is when we run." He adds in a whisper, grabbing my hand and taking off and out of the door.

"Get back here!" The principal yells furiously.

"It's four thirty, detentions over!" JJ laughs as we bust out of the back doors.

I think I just mad myself a new friend.

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