Sighting Surfers (Part 3)

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A/N: you're new to Outerbanks and you're a kook!

Last night after I got home, JJ and I texted for what felt like hours before I fell asleep. Now, I'm getting ready for this surfing date.

I slide on a bikini and jean shorts before pulling my hair into a thick braid. I slip on all of my jewelry before walking out of the house that we're renting— possibly buying.

JJ soon pulls up in the Twinkie— honking twice. "Hurry up, slowpoke!" He teases with a laugh, the windows being rolled down.

"Last time I checked— I had to wait five minutes!" I exclaim as I walk down the driveway. "Oh crap, let me grab my board from my car." I quickly say as I slap my forehead.

"I got it, you wait in the Twinkie." He insists. I sit down in the passenger seat and wait until he's done lugging my board onto the top of the van.

"Ready?" I smile once he starts the car.

"Hell yeah!" He lightly cheers as he steps on the gas peddle.

We soon arrive at the beach and run down the sand with our boards at our sides. I quickly start to paddle out, JJ right behind me.

I stop paddling and admire the sunrise. "So, are you down for a competition?" JJ asks, bobbing on his board to my right.

"Well, duh." I laugh.

A few minutes later, I see a wave curling up on the left side of the water. I quickly and harshly start to paddle onto the wave, doing what I always do in the legitimate competitions.

I start to surf down the wave and do fun tricks. I hear JJ cheer and clap loudly. I laugh as I jump off of my board and into the ocean.

"That is gonna be hard to beat." JJ admits once I get back on my board.

"Who knows, maybe you're better than me." I assure him. "I've never seen you surf." I add.

"Well, I'm not a professional." He counters.

"You don't have to be a professional to be good." I point out as we continue to look out at the water beyond the riptide.

"Are you saying I'm a good surfer?" JJ asks flirtatiously.

"Maybe." I shrug with a cheeky smile.

I feel JJ turn his board to face me, his hair perfectly framing his face. I slide into the water and rest my elbows on his board.

"So we're ditching the competition?" He asks as I look up at him with a beaming smile.

"I would rather this than surf." I nod as water from his hair drips onto my forehead.

Before I know it, he pulls me in for a kiss. It feels just as good as the last time we kissed— which was under twelve hours ago.

I can feel him smile against my lips as he pulls me out of the water, resting me on his board. I put my hands in his blonde hair.

His hands trail down my body as someone shouts, "Shit, did we interrupt something?" It's John B— Pope and Kie are behind him.

We look at him and then back at each other. We lets out soft laughs as I lower myself back into the water, quickly grabbing my board.

"Yeah, you interrupted! Where are your manners?" I shout back teasingly.

"Manners aren't our thing." JJ snickers.

"Shocker." I laugh as the rest of the pogues arrive next to us.

A/N: I hope you liked this, I definitely wanna make it into a story buttt lmk if ya'll have any other imagine ideas! - kb

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