part 1: unepected entertainment

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Anon laughed as Trish flipped him off.

"You don't know shit skinnie! I am a good dancer!" Trish said rolling her eyes,

Anon smirked at the triceratops, "ya you stepped on my foot about 20 times during prom."

Trish growled, "that's because I don't know how to dance with a fucking Skinnie!"

Fang smirked at this and butted in, "just admit it, Anon was your first dance, it's ok to be humble"

Trish gave both Fang and Anon a middle finger. Trish's eyes darted to Reed who was approaching their table at the mall, holding a slip of paper high above his head.

"Guys! Guys! Look!" Reed laughed as he slammed the paper down on the table.

Everyone peered forward at the paper,

"Battle of the bands? In volcara? No way!" Fang exclaimed grabbing the paper to Read it more closely.

"Yup! The main dude of that show saw our performance at Dino moes! And he wants us to be in the competition!" Reed smiled widely.

Trish practically jumped out of her seat, "this could be the big break we need! Think of the exposure we'd get if we won!"

"Plus the 2000 dollar award" Fang added.

"But..." Reed added, sucking air through his teeth, "well need a fourth member. It's has to be a drummer, 2 guitar or bass, and a singer."

Trish pouted and sat back down, "well need to find another guitarist then."

Fang snorted, "When was it decided that I was gonna sing?"

Trish stared at Fang in almost disbelief, "wait?! You're not gonna sing?"

Fang smirked, "hell no? Not after Prom, that shit had My nerves going for weeks."

Trish slumped over in her seat, "well shit, now we gotta find someone to sing. Does anyone know of someone who can sing?"

Reed opened his mouth to talk,

"That isn't Rosa or Stella." Trish corrected

Reeds mouth clamped shut.

Anon stared at the group of his friends, he was listened quietly to their conversation.

"I could sing" Anon thought to himself, he had some range due to the amount of odst sound tracks he was sing to in the shower.

Fangs eyed snapped to him. A large grin plastered on her face.

"I mummbled that didn't i?" Anon asked pinching the Bridge of his nose.

Fang laughed hard slamming the table with her fist.

"Guys! Guys! Anon can sing!" Fang smirked as she looked towards the rest of the group. Trish laughed with her but Reed was surprisingly serious when he asked,

"Well Anon? Can you?"

Anon sighed, "I mean. I can if yall need me too, I haven't sung properly in front of a crowd in years though."

Fang patted anons back, "I mean, I'm down for Anon to sing. I trust him."

Triste rolled her eyes and scoffed, "your only saying that because he's your boyfriend."

Fang smirked, "and?"

Reed did finger guns towards Anon, and smiled, "bro! Your like, totally in. Your officially part of VVURM drama."

Anon pinched the bridge of his nose, "what song will I have to sing?"

Fang smirked, "no idea, that's the whole think, we find out our song like a week before the actual performance"

"So we are fucked?" Trish asked

Fang smiled, "it's still a week till song selection, that gives us time to figure out Anons vocal range and shit. Right Anon?"

Anon laughed nervously, "right.. my vocal range."

Trish heard the nervousness in his voice and sighed, "yup. We are fucked."


Anon sighed as he walked Into Fangs garage, as Fang and the rest of the band was setting up.

"I can't belive your dad allowed us to practice here." Anon said setting down his things.

Fang smirked, "only because I told him you'd be singing, he wanted to hear your beautiful voice pff" Fang stifled a laugh with her mouth

Anon sighed, he was already regretting this.

After everything was set up, Anon stepped up to the microphone,

"Um, what do yall want me to sing?" Anon asked

"Whatever you feel your comfortable with." Trish said

Anon sighed, breathing in a sharp breath,

Anons voice rung out the garage, it wasn't good, but it didn't want to make Fang cover her ears.

Anon sung a simple Warm up song, getting his vocals right.

Fang nodded approvingly, pushing him to sing an actual song.

Anon looked around his audience of 3 people. Trish had a unreadable face, studying his every move. While Reed had his glasses on and was limp. Anon was pretty sure he was alseep. But Fang had the brightest smile, the made Anons face hot with a slight blush. His thoughts were interrupted by a low voice booming through the garage.

"Go on Anon. Sing."

Anon turned to see Ripley, with Samantha. Samantha had the same expression as Fang, while Ripley had a threatening eagerness to his eyes.

Anon sighed, breathing in his nerves and sung once again..

This time it was an actual song, he sung, 'my way' by Frank Sinatra, Anons low voice resonated perfectly with the garage confined space. But when the high notes came near the end of the song, Anons voice begun to break and get strained.

By the end Fang and Samantha were cheering, Trish had a slight smile, and Reed was still out cold.

Ripleys gaze remained unchanging though.

"So? How did I do?" Anon said, still a bit out of breath from the singing.

"More than I thought you could do, that's for sure." Trish laughed as she stood up. And quietly woke Reed up.

Fang bounced towards Anon her tail wagging like crazy as she hugged him. "That was amazing! Oh my god! Why didn't you tell us sooner that you could sing like that?!"

Anon rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "I can't sing. I just... have a lot of practice?"

Fang snorted, "that is being able to sing you idiot, where'd you learn to do that?"

Anon smirked, "in the shower?"

Even that got a snort out of Ripley, "you shower?" Ripley laughed, as Samantha smacked him in the arm.

"Be nice! That was amazing singing wasn't it?" Samantha said looking up at her husband

Ripley sighed, "it wasn't awful. You'll need to work on those high notes if you want to really make your voice work. A cracked note can ruin a performance."

Anon blinked, unsure of what he just heard. "Was that actual advice? And not a insult or threat?"

Ripley growled, "you want it to be a threat?"

Anon laughed and shook his head.

"I guess ill be here tomorrow to practice some more, is that ok?" Anon asked towards Ripley, Who's wings flared a bit in frustration. "Fine. But the garage door stays open."

Anon saluted sarcastic which got him an elbow from Fang who was smiling ear to ear.

"This is gonna be so fun!" She laughed

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