chapter 2: A Growing Voice

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Anon sighed as he watched Fang spring around her room, grabbing every gituar off the wall and laying them out in front of Anon.

"So, do you want me to play along? With you, with the bass? Or gituar?" Fang asked, sitting down next to Anon

Anon looked at Fang for a few seconds before rubbing his Temples. "Why do we have to do this? I can sing! We don't even know the type of song we are doing"

Fang smirked before laying her head on his shoulder, "Yes, dweeb, we gotta make sure your voice is perfect. When you sing, it's gotta be perfect."

Anon sighed. "I'm.. i don't know, I'm not a super good singer."

Fang laughed, "What do you mean? That was great! You must have had practice before? Have you sung before"

Anon looked away immediately, "i...i don't wanna talk about it."

Fang sat up, her raised eyebrows raised in surprise. "You can talk about it if you want?"

Anon sighed, "Maybe later, it's just some family drama, you know?"

Fang smiled softly, "Of course, Anon, let's get back to practicing."

Anon smiled back, "Sure.."

Fang got back up and helped Anon off the bed, "So the one thing we can work on is your high notes."

Anon smirked, "What about them? Don't like my beautiful woman voice?"

Fang rolled her eyes, "no it's shit, you can't sing high notes worth a damn."

Anon frowned "ow"

Fang pinched his arm, "you're a dork, now come on." Fang motioned to the paper sitting on the desk, with a scale of notes.

"Fang, you know I'm shit at music," Anon said, looking at the paper

Fang snorted, "And somehow you're half decent at singing, so how does that work?"

Anon shrugged, "Again. I don't know"

Fang narrowed her eyes, "Whatever you say. Here just"

Fang pointed to each note, singing a note, higher and higher as her finger reaches the top of the scale.

Anon smirked as he watched Fang sing, he loved her voice, how she looked when she was immersed in song, in music.

"Your mumbling again." Fang said

Anon sighed and flipped her off.

Anon followed Fang directions and sung with her, harmonizing perfectly, but as he reached the top notes his voice gave out.

Fang snorted as she heard his voice crack. "Let's try to keep it smaller increments, let's see your true height of voice."

Anon looked suit, as Fang sung a low note, looking at Anon, signaling him to harmonize with her. Anon started to harmonize, as Fang slowly raised her voice, raising her eyebrows to signal Anon to follow.

Anon raised his voice. As Fang did, up and up until Anon found his limit.

Fang clapped happily "that's pretty damn good!"

Anon laughed nervously, "you think?"

Fang nodded, "definitely, you're a natural!"


Anon sighed as he watched Trish slumped over on his bed.

"So um.. why are you here trish" Anon asked

Trish sighed, "because Fang thinks your some sort of prodigy, so I'm gonna try to fix you"

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