part 3: a monochrome day

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Anon was nervously tapping his foot in the car as the gang was driving to central volcara to pick a song for the battle of the bands.

And annoyingly, the choice fell on Anon alone to make that choice, as it was the singer that had to pick the song.

Anon breathed shakily, that wasn't the only reason he was nervous though.

It had been years since he's been this close to rock bottom. Since he's been this close to his old home.

A pit in Anons stomach began to form, threatening to take his lunch if he didn't calm his nervous. It also didn't help that the song picking ceremony was being held in a bar.

Reed was driving, jamming along with Trish in the front seat, while Fang was in the back with Anon, asleep on his shoulder.

Even asleep, fangs fingers were interlaced around anons fingers, holding him tight, that brought him the smallest bit of comfort, but it didn't easy his beating heart.


As they pulled up to the bar, Reed looked in the mirror at me, signaling to wake Fang up.

"Fang" Anon whispered in Fangs ear.

Fang mumbled and nuzzled deeper into Anons shoulders

Anon shook Fang the smallest bit,
"Fang, we are here, we gotta go pick a song."

Fang mumbled something, most likely an insult, but her eyes fluttered open.

"I'm up, I'm up, just give me a minute" Fang grunted,

As they entered the bar, there were alot of people and dinos there. The first time Anon as saw this many people since he moved to volcara.

"Ew...skinnies" Trish grumbled under her breath, getting a slap in the back of the head from Fang.

The gang sat down at a booth in the back to wait for the announcements to start, when a waiter came over and started to take their order.

Anon shook his head, "we aren-"

Fang eyes lit up as she ordered the biggest thing on the menu, Reed ordered something to, so Trish followed suit.

The waiter looked at Anon, waiting for him to give his order.

"Just a drink, I don't care what." Anon said,

The waiter smiled and walked away with their orders.

"You not gonna eat?" Trish asked

Anon shook his head, rubbing his hands together nervously, "don't think it would stay down."

Reed sighed, "bro, we talked about this! You've gotta calm down! Your nerves are hurting the vibe man."

Anon sighed, "I'm trying Reed. "

Fang nodded, "This is his first time at one of these, give him some slack"

Trish laughed, "oh please, I swear, if he doesn't get his act together, and he embarrasses us on stage, I'm gonna spear him."

Anon opened his mouth to retort but the wait came back and gave the gang their food, and slid a glass of vodka right in front of Anon.

And practically jumped out of his seat, making Fang laugh

"Oh! I'm sorry, did you not want an alcoholic beverage? I-" the waiter started reaching for the drink but Reed stopped her.

"No no! We are fine! Thank you!" Reed said

Anon stared silently at the glass of Vodka,

"Anon... it won't bite, just have a drink, to calm your nerves." Trish asked

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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