( 03 ) ﹒ ⠀ 🤍⠀ ⠀ ⠀ " pestering. "

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For starters, Zoro didn't know how to feel. A stranger asking to be friends?— what?.

  Zoro was completely against the idea of being around a group of strangers, but the young boy planned otherwise. For the past week, Zoro had been sitting at their table.

Everything esculated quickly,   He just planned to go to school, go home, sleep and repeat. Yet, here he was, hanging out with randoms.

He tried to ask Luffy to leave him alone— kindly and harshly, but Luffy didn't seem to take the idea. The black haired boy ended up dragging Zoro right back to the table.

And it was not like he could just sit there and be in his own zone, No- because apparently; with these people, you have to engage in everything.  Even if you didn't want to, your name will somehow be brought up in conversations you weren't even listening to!

And it was worse since.. Sanji was here.  Mr   ;   'Curly brow, shitty cook, prince of know-it-all-ville'    —   (  Zoro came up with those names himself, very creative.  )  —  had always complained that Zoro was destroying the mood with his ugly face, and that Zoro had been too rude to Nami and Robin.

As if having him in his classes wasn't enough. Fuckin' hell. Zoro thought everytime Sanji opened his mouth.

Zoro silently prayed that one of these days, the blonde headed weirdo would choke and probably die on one of his personal dishes.

   Sanji was probably praying on his downfall too. So the two continued to bicker and buttheads  -  even in the classroom, both casting angry side glares.  The two even going at it during lunch hours, they either fight or throw punches,

It's only been a week.

And it's not only Sanji that sets his nerves off, it's the others too.   They're all just... irresponsible.

Honestly, Robin and Nami are probably the only ones that Zoro could give credit too, though Nami has her way of being irresponsible as well— doing anything and everything to lay her hand on just a penny.

She even steals Luffy's money, same goes for the rest of them. Not Zoro though, he's smart enough to not turn his back on the girl.

However, Sanji opens his wallet freely for the girl, acting as if she's the queen to his life. He pays her happily. Calling her his; Swan. Yeesh.. dude needs to get a grip.

Luffy also allows her to take the money from his pockets, frowning when he realizes it but brushes it off and goes back to carrying on about his day.

Usopp obviously gets mad but sighs when he realizes there isn't anything he could to about it. Same goes for Franky and Chopper.

One thing Zoro notices, Nami doesn't take Robin's money. Probably cause Robin takes her shopping and pays for everything Nami wants and needs. Still, he wished she didn't try to steal his savings.

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Monday comes around again, and Zoro greeted everyone with a resentful mood. Walking through his school doors, late as always with a Tardy Slip in his hand.

love OVER lust      ,     @ZOLU   .Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora