Walking and Talking

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It's been days since i have been walking, running, sprinting leaving behind everything I've ever know and come to love, my throat dry as a dessert, it's been a while since it rained, oh how I used to hate the damn rain making my hair all sticky, it always made me look like the demon lady from the ring, actually was she a demon? Hmm I don't know being so parched for so long is making my memory kinda hazy hmm I might just pass out soon or if I don't get some water in me soon I'm gonna start hallucinating, speaking from experience it has happened before not looking forward to It happening again I almost got killed the last time it happened.

Yeah, I should just focus on finding some drinkable water, I started walking a bit faster and regretted it almost immediately, all the blisters on my feet were starting to talk back now, I held in a scream of anger, pain, and frustration; hah I've been through worse and there is no way in hell am I gonna stop now you hear me little shits not when I've been walking for four days with little to no rest and right when I see a cute little shop right up ahead of me, yes that's it I'm saved, I did it, I'll live another day take that shitty feet blisters you ain't taking me down. I shall persevere.

I ran faster biting my lips cursing my feet and entered the tiny shop well the door was broken so it was quite easy. I was in heaven water bottles perfectly packed and best of all food everywhere and I lost it and started devouring everything I could get my dirt and blood-filled hands on, twisting the cap of a water bottle hearing a satisfying click, and gulping down the whole bottle in one go. My hands reach for a packet of lays my favorite I can't believe I've found you oh how I have missed you opening the package taking out the lays with my fingers WAIT fingers hands dirt filled hands!! Yep, my fingers were indeed covered in blood and my fingernails stuffed with dirt and everything nice I gagged slightly but if I was me from the past I would've vomited right now, I used to be such a clean freak but hey no one said survival is pretty and clean.

Past me didn't have to use her own hands to dig into a fucking huge ass wolf that tried to rip her to shreds now did she, yes that's right tap yourself on the back, it's not just dirt it's victory!! but I should still wash my hands I don't wanna get infected by the blood on my fingers.

With incredibly clean fingers I stuffed a bunch of lays in my mouth and moaned out a lot oh the taste, it's making my knees weak, I might just have an orgasm here, it's just been so long since I ate something as delicious as this food given by the Gods, normally I just eat what I get my hands on like berries, rats sometimes some bugs when extra protein is needed or when the hunger makes you lose your mind.

So yes nothing really can compare to this well I guess my ma's cooking. No, we are not going there that is gonna open a huge flood that should stay locked forever with Cerberus guarding it, that took me a long time to close, so I ate another chip instead.

Oh boy was I stuffed, the tiny shop was looking like a crime scene now with wrappers everywhere I don't think the owner will mind since he is probably decomposing somewhere right now. It's sad but our kind is very limited nowadays most died in the initial attack, but others soon followed because of everything that they brought with them, the plague, the infestation, the famine, it was baffling to see the true human nature, what we are capable of for the sake of survival. Many resorted to cannibalism others did way worse, some struck deals with witches, vampires, and werewolves becoming some otherworldly monsters, betraying their kind further diminishing our numbers.

It's almost evening now I should find a place to rest but I should hang around here for a bit I've grown quite fond of the cute tiny little shop since it has provided me with food. No, I can't do that what is wrong with me, Mia must be waiting for me but the lays, damn it I can only take so much with me, my backpack is big and has my life in it but it won't fit everything I want, so I forced a duct tape, three water bottles, some sandpaper and only three packet of lays yes it was a very tough decision but it had to be made he didn't have any medical stuff which was a bummer I'll have to look for some cause my wounds are starting to look kinda infected.

I made my way outside, looking around for any life-threatening strangers, I gripped my sword tighter as I saw a lone zombie standing at the end of the road, it wasn't here before.
It had its back turned to me so I could easily take it down if it didn't have any of his buddies with him. I crept slowly towards it careful not to make any sound while still looking around for potential buddies.
When I was close enough my Bessie made a quick clean cut chopping its  neck right off. As I was about to praise my Bessie I heard his buddies finally making their entrance, I counted to see if I could take them on and ran in the other direction when I concluded that he in fact had a ton of buddies. Why has my life come to this!!.

Finally, I was far away from all the zomnies to be considered safe for the time being but I should really look where I'm heading before bolting like I'm in a sprinting contest. I was about to become zombie food though but just where the fuck am I now, it's some sort of a forest, nice big trees I see and that's it, nothing else.

You know what one problem at a time, and I really need some sleep right now so I started climbing the tallest tree I could find, made my backpack into a very uncomfortable pillow on the thickest tree branch, laid down, put Bessie on my stomach still clenching her as hard as I could one thing I had to learn was that you never let go of your weapon, always be on you guard, it's never safe even when you think it is, sleep while keeping an eye open.

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