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Mother began preparations for our visitors, bustling about as if she were powered by three horses. I dont know why I just thought that.
I made my own preparations for our sisters arrival, and planned out the books I would be reading upon the chance of being in close quarters to Malcolm.
The servants all were preparing the dinner for us, and I decided to wait for the rest of the day in the kitchen with the cooks. I found it silly that mother went to so much trouble whenever there was a formal call from Sarah, since she made many small visits with no need for preparations so vast.
We were alerted that both Sarah, her husband, and Malcolm were greeted by the entrance staff and I went quickly to make my presence known before I could politely leave to be on my own.
I walked down the staircase to see the three visitors already being enveloped by mother and Ly's hugs and welcome conversations.
"Ah!" Edward says when he spots me, "so you have decided to make a show today!"
I didn't believe he meant to mock me so I didn't take it as such. I nod meekly, I just could never seem to find a way to be vocal.
Sarah hugs me, "oh, sweet Lucy, the children have missed you so very much you must come to see them!"
I was confused how an infant and toddler could miss me so much but I too had missed them dearly so I conceded to finding time to visit them as soon as I could.
I glance toward Malcolm who smiled and nods subtly at me. His face was all that was needed to make my heart race and my cheeks heat. I had to exit the room at once, but cordiality refrained me. Mother made me stay for tea so I must prolong my good manners toward the guests.
We all found our seats in the sitting room and began our leisurely talk about what not. I wished Simon was around to make it at least a slight bit more entertaining. There was nothing I could relate to my brother in law or my sister, and Malcolm was not an option that I was willing to think upon.
"How has your reading been?" I am pulled from my daze by Malcolms voice. I hadn't expected it, nor had I believed he was referring to me at first, but I stuttered finally.
"Oh, v-very informative, sir. Thank you, sir." He gives me a queer look but smiles.
"There is no need to thank me for an inquiry, miss. It is my own pleasure, miss." For a second I am almost offended but it is pushed away by embarrassment.
He stares expectantly for my reply but I remain silent as usually I would, and turn my projected attention to the rest of the group that is deep in a conversation that does not involve or interest me.
Malcolms voice sputters my thoughts once more, "This topic is such a bore," he gestures to our acquaintances in a hushed tone, "they could think of anything else to speak of, even the economical effects of porridge might be an improvement."
I let out a snort and notice Malcolm's brows shoot up for a moment at the sudden change in my mannerisms, and I collect myself once more. A strong desire came over me to keep this tête-à-tête going between him and I, to prove myself to him and make myself a spectacle to his every interest, that all the answers to the studies and topics he found so fascinating might be found in me and me alone. But I let it pass me by within less than a second as I usually would and I smile in bland acknowledgement. That puts him off and he leans back into his seat to listen to whatever boring topic he spoke of which I left many a few minutes prior.


"Oh, Edward!" I say forlornly as we begin our carriage home, "whatever shall I do about dear Lucy?"
Edward laughs at this expression, "what can you mean?" He pauses to stoop his head, looking me in my eyes, "tell me, Sarah darling, what do you wish of me?"
I smile sheepishly at his fond gaze, which still has not been worn into familiarity to me, "Oh, there is nothing that you can do, my dear. I only feel as though Lucy might end up with nothing but her books to keep her company— and I mean to— not to say that she has terrible qualities, only that she has the dearest kind. I am worried that no man will ever be capable of persevering through each of her carefully crafted walls. Men are so very stupid— so very very stupid when it comes to seeing through a woman's guard!"
He squints his eyes teasingly, "Is that so, my love? Was I so very stupid?"
I swat his arm lightly, "Edward! Why of course not, but this is a real terrible tussle and you cannot be making such jest at a moment like this!" I take a breath, "and just because you weren't stupid doesn't mean you had absolutely no faults during our courting."
He shakes his head, "whatever do you mean? I was perfectly charming, you couldn't resist me, I am aware of that and if that is a fault then I admit I am guilty."
"Oh stop it Ed!" I giggle, "you were so terribly oblivious to my deepening feelings for you and it took you so painstakingly long to actually begin courting me!"
"You were growing impatient for me, was that it? Was that my only fault?"
"Why, no, of course not," I shift slightly when I notice his deep stare, "you were quite terrible indeed."
"I see," he says, grinning and taking my chin in his hand, "and yet here you sit beside me as my loving wife."
And he kisses me.


"Six thousand," Sir James says beside me.
"Six thousand?" I quirk a brow at him, "thats more than the debt I owe and you don't even know what my hand is!"
"Well," he smiles cockily, "some of us have means to gamble, while others do it by chance alone."
I scoff, "I do have the means, I assure you, I only" I clear my throat, "am at a loss for I do not have means of acquiring it as of now."
"Oh yes!" Sir Stillington guffaws, "you and your trust fund! I have begun to think it is entirely fictional with the piling debt you owe to me alone!"
"Countless times I have explained to you!" I scoff, "I have yet to access it until I am married! You mustn't be so pent up on it though, as I have a very promising courtship with the miss Elliot, if you must know." I sneer at him.
Sir James puts a finger up*, "I have grand idea!"
I usher him on.
"Suppose your hand really is better than mine, I swear to pay off every penny of your gambling debt tomorrow, and if I win you owe me whatever  amount you put in as well as to pay off your debt to Stillington and I by the end of this month."
I raise a brow, "I have to admit this is a good deal, but instead of your first proposition, let me also gain the amount I bid if I am to win, then if I do not, I shall be losing the amount I could use to pay off my debt."
He holds his hand across the table, " a grand deal."

His card hand was a royal flush and I bid seven thousand.


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