Chapter fourteen

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"How is he?"

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"How is he?"

I've barely made it over the threshold of Jayden and Sophie's house when Sophie hurls the question at me.

Any time I've seen Zeke's friends in the past month and a half—an increasing amount—one of them has asked me this question. Sometimes more than one.

I shuck off my jacket. "Hi, Soph."

She rolls her eyes and pulls me in for a hug. "Hi, Maya." As soon as I step back, her expression returns to anxious. "So, how is he?"

I don't want to lie to Zeke's friends, but if I were to tell them the truth - how he's wilting in front of my eyes, retreating into himself - they'd kick in his door and force him to let them help.

And we're walking a precarious line right now, constantly on the brink of a breakdown. He's getting better, at least physically, but some days, he can barely manage a smile my way when I come by. I'm afraid too much love bombing would have the opposite effect than intended, and I'd lose any control of the situation. If he goes too far down that rabbit hole of fear and insecurity in his mind, I'm scared I won't be able to pull him back out again.

So I force a smile on my face. "He's okay."

Sophie blinks, unimpressed. "Weird how I don't believe you even a little bit."

"He's getting better," I say, which is at least halfway true.

She hums, crossing her arms. "You tell that boy-" she's like four years his junior "-that if he doesn't get his head out of his ass and stop throwing himself a pity party, I'm going to drag him out by the ear."

I fully believe her, but I doubt Zeke would respond positively to that threat. "Yes, ma'am."

"Don't quit your day job, Maya." When I lift an inquisitorial eyebrow, Sophie purses her lips. "You can't lie for shit: You'd make a horrible spy."

If only she knew the lies I've spun to everyone I love for the past six years.

I heave a theatrical sigh. "There goes my backup career."

Sophie grins. "Come on. We've set the conference call up in the sitting room."

'The conference call' consists of Kimmy sitting at a table, drinking a cup of coffee, and a laptop perched on the tabletop open on a video call with two women.

They both have dark skin. One of them has a planner open on the table in front of her and a pen stuck in the bun of her dark brown hair. The other sports an array of gold jewelry and shares so many similarities with David that I know she must be his twin.

They introduce themselves as Delilah and Diana, David's sisters.

"Alright." Sophie claps her hands once I've been offered a hot beverage and politely declined. "The assembly of the bridesmaids is hereby called to order."

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