Chapter twenty-one

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For the second year in a row, Sophie and Sennels host New Year's

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For the second year in a row, Sophie and Sennels host New Year's.

The newlyweds are still on their honeymoon, so we're down two people, but we've gained Maya.

She's already there when I arrive, chatting away with Sophie while Cadin and Ethan run in circles around them.

I saw her just yesterday when I dropped her off after we got back from the airport. Still, my heart skips a beat at seeing her here, and the anxious way my legs have been jumping all day stops. The sight of her is like a shot of pure calm directly into my nervous system.

I tell myself it's only because of what she told me during Christmas. I've been going over that night too many times in my head already, trying to figure out what I could have done differently to prevent it from ever happening. And it's really not that hard. I shouldn't have run when Trent caught us outside. I should have followed her in, talked through it, and ensured she got home okay. Not just have entrusted her to a handful of strangers.

Obviously, I feel protective of her; I always have. And right now, I'm slightly more on edge because I'm discovering something happened to her right under my nose six fucking years ago, and I had no idea. That's why laying eyes on her presses pause on the chaos inside me, nothing else.

It certainly has nothing to do with how she looks in that dress. Bright, loud colors. A plunging cleavage, flowy skirt with a slit up the right side, and a tight bodice around all those luscious curves. Noticing all that means nothing. Platonic friends do that all the time, right?

I promised her nothing would change; I can't start drooling now.

"Dude!" Saltz exclaims, coming out of the kitchen and finding me still standing at the front door, watching Maya through the archway into the living room. "Happy holidays."

I tear my eyes away, forcing a smile on my face. "Yeah, you two. How was Hanukkah?"

"Oh, you know, extended family time and wondering if I could get away with tipping over the menorah and burning down the house to get out of more of it."

I blink, staring at my young teammate as he casually shrugs like there's nothing concerning about that statement. I don't think we're in danger of Saltz actually becoming a pyromaniac, but being that uncomfortable around your family should raise some red flags for anyone.

I know what it's like not to get along with your family. I've sat through plenty of dinners both with my parents and the extended family, wishing I were anywhere else. And like Saltz, I've hidden just how much I hate going home behind jokes and carefree grins.

"Weren't your sister there?" I ask, knowing he gets along with his older sister.

He shakes his head. "Kelly was celebrating Christmas with her boyfriend this year. Which, surprise, surprise, didn't go down well. Apparently, he's the wrong kind of religious."

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